Thank you for weighing in, Peter.

Here's a funny thing - although the option-launch thing worked a couple of times early in this saga, it has now stopped doing so. Instead, if I option-launch iTunes all that happens is that the frontmost programme is hidden and iT launches normally. Huh?

You're right about preferences not doing it - I had been trashing library files that I knew were the wrong ones, hoping to find the right one by elimination, but now iT is fixated on one in a 'previous itunes library' (that's what appears in the top of the iT window) folder and nothing I do in preferences will change its mind, notwithstanding re-launches/restarts

I think I could find the right library file in an older backup of the HD and put it back in the current music folder. But without option- launch I can't tell iT where to look. Any ideas?

many thanks

On 25/03/2010, at 8:20 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

On 24/03/2010, at 4:52 PM, mince and pud wrote:

Hello Ronni

Yes I copied over all the old itunes stuff - it never bothered the old setup

Both 9.0.3 - but now under leopard, formerly tiger

may indeed have opened iT before connecting drive - I forget

choosing the library after option-launch (or in preferences) is what I meant by
"But when I tell the new itunes where it is it just ignores me"

I point it at my iT folder, a progress bar says 'updating library', but nothing changes, even after relaunch. (it IS the folder I should be choosing? The actual 'library' files are greyed-out in iT prefs so I guess I'm not after those)

Still puzzled - many thanks as ever

Ronni's advice about holding down the Option key while starting iTunes is very important. The dialog which appears prompts you to locate your iTunes library. It is sufficient simply to point to the iTunes folder on your external hard drive. iTunes will find the library file by itself.

Yes, you can change the location in your Preferences, but you have at least to quit iTunes and run it again for the change to be recognised, and the results can be inconsistent. The option key trick always works.


Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 064 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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