Hi Peter,

Still not clear on a couple of things:

on 5/4/10 1:39 PM, Peter Faulks at peterfau...@westnet.com.au wrote:

>> Hi Neil,
> Thanks for your reply,
> I have an Airport Express with a red Lead to the Westnet  unit (we
> connect via a satelite dish on the roof because we cannot get ADSL 2
> locally) This Router unit  then connects three computers using blue
> Ethernet cables.

OK, so you have a Westnet satellite unit which incorporates a 4-port
ethernet router. Three computers are connected to the router by ethernet
(G4, G5 & Acer). The router is also connected, via the 4th ethernet port to
the Airport Express.

I presume you then have the Airport Express set up in "Create a wireless
network" mode and with the Internet Connection (on the Airport Express) set
up as:

Connect Using: Ethernet
Configure IPv4: Using DHCP

> 1. A G5 Main Computer which does not have airport,
> 2. A G4 (Wife machine) which also does not have airport and an
> 3. An Acer PC that connects via Ethernet, these all share the
> printer via USB from the Airport Express.
If I understand you correctly, you are saying the printer is plugged into
the USB post on the Airport Express and that the computers then print to the
shared printer over the ethernet network.

If so, and you have fried the ethernet port on the G4, then presumably you
can no longer print from the G4 to the printer hanging off the Airport
Express. If you can still print from the G4 (which you say has no wireless
card and is only connected via ethernet) then your ethernet port must be
working and the problem must lie elsewhere.

> I also have a Lap Top that is wireless.  - all worked fine before the storm.

So can your Lap Top still connect wirelessly to the internet via the Airport
Express. If so, you know that you still have a working internet connection
available via the wireless network.

> The lights on the Airport Express light up for the G5 and the PC but
> not for the G4 so I think I have a faulty G4 Ethernet port. I swapped
> leads over without success and tried another lead.

I presume that here you mean the lights on the Westnet router unit. The
Airport Express only has one light - which should be glowing green if
everything is working OK.

> I think I need to obtain  or purchase an Ethernet card for a G4 and
> slot this into the motherboard, so my question was where do I get a
> Mac Ethernet Card from?

You need to give a bit more info on your computer - what kind of G4 Mac are
we talking about here. If you already have a working wireless network with
your Internet connection available on it, I would have thought that would be
simpler & cheaper than trying to repair the blown ethernet port or (in a
tower) install an additional ethernet card.

> I did install a Dynalink wirless USB device which when linked Peer to
> peer shows a low wireless signal but I can't connect to the Internet
> on the G4 nor Email.
Not really clear what you did here. Are you saying that you could see YOUR
wireless network but could not connect to it. Or did you successfully
connect to the network but were unable to connect to the Internet (your
email will not work until you have a successful internet connection).


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

>> Your description is not very clear as to how your network is set-up.
>> You say:
>>>  We connect to an Apple Airport Express which connect to a G5 and
>>>  Windows PC via Ethernet, they all work fine,  just the G4 that's not
>>>  working.
>> So are you saying the internet connection is distributed via both the
>> ethernet network (for some machines) and wirelessly via the Airport Express
>> (for other machines).
>> If so, do all the other working machines confirm that both the ethernet and
>> wireless network are working correctly (ie you can make an internet
>> connection to both networks via one or other working machines.
>> If so, and your only problem is that the G4 was connected via ethernet and
>> is not now working - leading you to suspect the ethernet port is faulty (in
>> which case the G4 will not be able to see the network or other machines on
>> it and vice-versa) - then have you tried connecting the G4 wirelessly to the
>> airport Express and connecting to the net that way.
>> A lot of ifs which can be cut-down by a better description of just how your
>> network is configured & how your internet connection is distributed.
>> Cheers
>> Neil
>> --
>> Neil R. Houghton
>> Albany, Western Australia
>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>> Email: n...@possumology.com
>> on 5/4/10 9:21 AM, Peter Faulks at peterfau...@westnet.com.au wrote:
>>>  During the storm my wife left her G4 on when we went out and when
>>>  power came back on three days later the computer works but the
>>>  ethernet does not?
>>>  Anyone know where you can purchase an ethernet card for our G4? Or
>>>  suggest how we can get the G4 back on the internet? I recently put in
>>>  1gb of Memory for $300.00 so I don't want to throw it out.
>>>  We connect to an Apple Airport Express which connect to a G5 and
>>>  Windows PC via Ethernet, they all work fine,  just the G4 that's not
>>>  working.
>>>  By the way I have two Airport Extreme units spare.

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