
Have you tried the foomatic printer drivers? There's one for the HP Laserjet 
My recent email to wamug explained how I got my HP1220C A3 priner working. 
Quoted below...
> I got this from another list and include it here for others. Worth having a 
> look if you're having problems with the gutenprint drivers. The link is 
> http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting/macosx/hpijs
>> I was disheartened to find that my HP 1220c as well as dozens, if not 
>> hundreds, of other printer models are no longer supported by Snow Leopard. 
>> But I stumbled across an open source line of printer drivers which seem to 
>> be a superior alternative to the Gutenprint drivers. They make dozens of 
>> unsupported printers OS X & SL compatible. 
>> OpenPrinting/MacOSX/hpijs - The Linux Foundation
>> The instructions here are a little vague, but it's really easy.
>> 1. Install Ghostscript
>> 2. Install Foomatic
>> 3. Install hpijs.
>> 4. System Preferences > Print & Fax > (select your printer or add a new one) 
>> > Options & Supplies > Driver
>> 5. See if a new Foomatic printer driver is listed as an alternative to your 
>> model.
>> The Foomatic drivers have options for print quality, grayscale, etc which 
>> Gutenprint is often missing. Included are printers from a variety of 
>> manufacturers, not just HP.
>> Hope this helps someone!

On 07/04/2010, at 1:19 PM, David Noel wrote:

> Hi Stuart --
> -- Yes, there have been many reported problems with HP laser printers
> not working under Snow Leopard. I have an HP Laserjet 5MP printer, and
> in spite of a lot of suggested fixes, I've still not got it working
> with SL. It's on an ethernet network (via a Belkin router), and the
> printer works as normal from an older iMac running Leopard on the
> network.


Mike Murray and Lesley Silvester
East Fremantle
Western Australia

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British and Australian genealogical and historical research, 
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