Good morning all

There has been some 'discussion' at work about leaving phones in the 'Airplane 
Mode'.   According to the health and safety people (Australian Government 
Department), even when phones are in that mode, dangerous things can happen to 
people using headset telephones should a call come in.    This seems illogical 
to me as I thought once the phone was in 'Airplane Mode' the telephone part of 
the phone was turned off completely thereby making it just an iPod sort of 
thing, if you get my drift.

I have done some searching on the internet about this but can't seem to find 
any answers.   Does anyone here have any knowledge about it?    At the moment 
we are required to turn our phones off completely when in any area where 
headsets are used, not allowed to put it into 'Airplane Mode'.

With thanks.

in Hobart

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