> On 15 Apr 2010, at 23:07, Wendy S. Austin wrote:
>> Good morning all
>> There has been some 'discussion' at work about leaving phones in the 
>> 'Airplane Mode'.   According to the health and safety people (Australian 
>> Government Department), even when phones are in that mode, dangerous things 
>> can happen to people using headset telephones should a call come in.  

'a call come in' to what? the iPhone can not receive any call. The automatic 
responder thing in the phone which accepts an incoming call is not operating.

>> This seems illogical to me as I thought once the phone was in 'Airplane 
>> Mode' the telephone part of the phone was turned off completely thereby 
>> making it just an iPod sort of thing, if you get my drift.

Just for interest this is what I do at night when I am listening to my 
previously downloaded podcasts - turn the iPhone into an iPod by engaging the 
Airplane mode.

If you have not already done so I would advise downloading the iPhone User 
Guide from the Apple website. Ch 19 [for the User Guide 3.1] describes what is 
and is not accessible in Airplane Mode.

On 16/04/2010, at 9:05 AM, Alexander Hartner wrote:

> It wouldn't surprise me at all if in 20 years time they come up with 
> irrefutable evidence that mobile phone radiation is harmful to ones health. 
> Not that long ago Radium was included in all kinds of beauty products).

And also just for interest until at least the fifties doctors were prescribing 
heroin as a pain killer. Which it does very effectively, and more!


Peter Sealy

If you Google the word 'google' you will break the internet.

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