
Thanks very much indeed for the answers to my questions, I really appreciate it.

I have some googling to do!!

Best regards


On 16/04/2010, at 6:23 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

Hi Chris

Answers as below.....

On 16/4/10 9:13 AM, "Chris Burton" <c...@it.net.au> wrote:

Hi Dan

Thanks very much for the info on these new machines. They do sound
pretty impressive.

Yes, from what I've read,...good machines.
A 512gb solid state drive!! Wow that is amazing. Do you know of any
feed back on these drives?
Solid State Drives always get good write ups. Very fast and responsive for a lot of things. Plus the advantage of no moving parts. Though, still very
expensive. 512MB SSD Drive is AUD$1820.
Also, a choice between a glossy and anti-glare LED backlit display.
These are all new to me Dan! Which is the most useful display? I met
with a guy down here this week and he had a new 13" model (about 3
months old) that had a very clear and bright display that just looked
excellent. Would that have been a 'glossy' display?
Yes, that would be a glossy screen. Which is better? That's a personal
decision I'm afraid. Each person will weigh in why one is better then other and is an argument,..err discussion that's ongoing. It's something you need to just google and see what people prefer, and see each to decide. Also depends on the type of work your doing and where. Some will agree one is better then the other for inside or outside work. I personally find the glossy fine, and I use it inside and out on the road. But that's me. Others
I know prefer the anti-glare (matte) display for colour work as it's
"better". Yet I've heard people say it makes no difference. So which is
better,...is hard to say I'm afraid.

I also saw earlier this week that the new CS5 suite has been released
by Adobe. They just keep on coming dont they! I imagine the suite will
cost, but photoshop etc should have a stack of improvements. Im still
using CS2!!

Yes CS5 has been "announced". Not released yet, just announced. It's infact still being tested by developers, so it's not quite out there yet. From what I read we'll see it around October probably. (That's according to rumours and what I've read around,...so yeh,...no real info or pricing on it as

Best regards and thanks again for your info it is very interesting.


No problems on all that.

Kind Regards
(Who prefers to go by Daniel for those that shorten it please) ;o))

On 15/04/2010, at 10:20 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

Hi Chris

Similar processors to what are in the high end iMac's which they've
had for
a while now,..so yeh, all should work fine,...just faster.

They only came out late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning our
time, so
you haven't been too far in a cave not knowing about them ;o)

Some tests on them around (just google i5 MacBook Pro and you should
some results). Can also have a look here:-
(Any pricing you see of course will be US non tax etc,..)

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards

On 15/4/10 10:02 PM, "Chris Burton" <c...@it.net.au> wrote:

Hi everyone

The new Macbooks have new i5 and i7 processors from Intel. Does
know about these, and what we can expect? Will all present software
run as usual, only faster?

I must be living in a cave as I havnt heard boo about these!

Many thanks and kind regards to all.


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Daniel Kerr

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Daniel Kerr

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