Hi Chris

No worries at all.
These links may also help as well in your google search:-

Benchmarks for MacBook Pro's
If the above doesn't work <http://tinyurl.com/y3lvfz6>

Glossy versus Matte Display
If the above doesn't work <http://tinyurl.com/y3eymqs>

A bit more "light reading" for you ;o)

Kind Regards

On 17/4/10 9:03 PM, "Chris Burton" <c...@it.net.au> wrote:

> Daniel
> Thanks very much indeed for the answers to my questions, I really
> appreciate it.
> I have some googling to do!!
> Best regards
> Chris
> On 16/04/2010, at 6:23 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>> Hi Chris
>> Answers as below.....
>> On 16/4/10 9:13 AM, "Chris Burton" <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>> Hi Dan
>>> Thanks very much for the info on these new machines. They do sound
>>> pretty impressive.
>> Yes, from what I've read,...good machines.
>>> A 512gb solid state drive!! Wow that is amazing. Do you know of any
>>> feed back on these drives?
>> Solid State Drives always get good write ups. Very fast and
>> responsive for a
>> lot of things. Plus the advantage of no moving parts. Though, still
>> very
>> expensive. 512MB SSD Drive is AUD$1820.
>>> Also, a choice between a glossy and anti-glare LED backlit display.
>>> These are all new to me Dan! Which is the most useful display? I met
>>> with a guy down here this week and he had a new 13" model (about 3
>>> months old) that had a very clear and  bright display that just
>>> looked
>>> excellent. Would that have been a 'glossy' display?
>> Yes, that would be a glossy screen. Which is better? That's a personal
>> decision I'm afraid. Each person will weigh in why one is better
>> then other
>> and is an argument,..err discussion that's ongoing. It's something
>> you need
>> to just google and see what people prefer, and see each to decide.
>> Also
>> depends on the type of work your doing and where. Some will agree
>> one is
>> better then the other for inside or outside work. I personally find
>> the
>> glossy fine, and I use it inside and out on the road. But that's me.
>> Others
>> I know prefer the anti-glare (matte) display for colour work as it's
>> "better". Yet I've heard people say it makes no difference. So which
>> is
>> better,...is hard to say I'm afraid.
>>> I also saw earlier this week that the new CS5 suite has been released
>>> by Adobe. They just keep on coming dont they! I imagine the suite
>>> will
>>> cost, but photoshop etc should have a stack of improvements. Im still
>>> using CS2!!
>> Yes CS5 has been "announced". Not released yet, just announced. It's
>> infact
>> still being tested by developers, so it's not quite out there yet.
>> From what
>> I read we'll see it around October probably. (That's according to
>> rumours
>> and what I've read around,...so yeh,...no real info or pricing on it
>> as
>> yet).
>>> Best regards and thanks again for your info it is very interesting.
>>> Chris
>> No problems on all that.
>> Kind Regards
>> Daniel
>> (Who prefers to go by Daniel for those that shorten it please) ;o))
>>> On 15/04/2010, at 10:20 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris
>>>> Similar processors to what are in the high end iMac's which they've
>>>> had for
>>>> a while now,..so yeh, all should work fine,...just faster.
>>>> They only came out late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning our
>>>> time, so
>>>> you haven't been too far in a cave not knowing about them ;o)
>>>> Some tests on them around (just google i5 MacBook Pro and you should
>>>> get
>>>> some results). Can also have a look here:-
>>>> <http://www.barefeats.com/mbpp17.html>
>>>> (Any pricing you see of course will be US non tax etc,..)
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>> Kind Regards
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On 15/4/10 10:02 PM, "Chris Burton" <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone
>>>>> The new Macbooks have new i5 and i7 processors from Intel. Does
>>>>> anyone
>>>>> know about these, and what we can expect? Will all present software
>>>>> run as usual, only faster?
>>>>> I must be living in a cave as I havnt heard boo about these!
>>>>> Many thanks and kind regards to all.
>>>>> Chris
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>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>> MacWizardry
>>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>>> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
>>>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
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>> ---
>> Daniel Kerr
>> MacWizardry
>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>> **For everything Macintosh**
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Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**

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