On 28/05/2010, at 8:16 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

On 27/05/2010, at 11:40 PM, Alex wrote:

Hello Wamugians

I would like your assistance with an imminent problem. I have a Macbook Pro which is my main computer and a Macbook Air which is my travelling computer. I have Mail set up on the Pro. Next week I am going to Holland for 20 weeks & will be taking the Air. While I can manage my emails somewhat using webmail to access & delete, I could quite likely still have about 3000 emails to download when I return (going on what happened after a two week trip last year). In that instance, the download fried Eudora, which I was using then, and corrupted a whole lot of my saved emails, merging many together. I don't want this to happen this time.

What I am thinking is to copy all the relevant Mail folders across to the Air before I go and then do the reverse when I return. Can someone please let me know which folders I do need to move as opposed to all Mail folders, or how to find that info myself? I have done a search under Finder just now but it only turned up the Mail app and a million other files, none of which seem to be from Mail.

Many thanks in advance,

Cheers,  Alex

You don't say whether your email account is using PO3P or IMAP. If it is POP3 (which would be my guess) my best advice would be to make sure that Mail is set to delete the messages from the server once they are downloaded (Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Your Account > Advanced). This does carry its own implications, though, the main one being that you will lose synchronisation between what you see in Mail and what you see in webmail. As you will obviously need an internet connection wherever you are in order to read new mail anyway, be it Mail or webmail, this should not be a concern. I would do two things (assuming Mail is set up the same way on both computers):

1. Before you leave, copy the Mail folder from your ~/Library/ Preferences folder on the Macbook Pro to the corresponding location on your Air (after first backing up or archiving the one on the Air of course).

2. When you return, copy the Mail folder back to your Macbook Pro.

This way, your the number of residual emails left on the Server when you return should be relatively small.

If your account is an IMAP account, then the mail is all managed on the Server side anyway so it's much less of a problem, and you can ignore the above.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 064 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

Hi Peter

Per your point 1. above, I do not have a Mail folder in HD/Library/ Preferences. Could you have possibly have meant HD/User/Library/Mail as Bob Howell suggested?

Also, I do have a POP account and have never used email on the Air, only webmail.

Cheers & thanks to all,


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