Hi All,

Just doing some preliminary research into MYOB for a friend and was
wondering if anyone used newish versions of MYOB on both Mac and Windows ­
there were some older posts in the archives, which were good but applied to
older versions.

So the questions I can¹t find good answers for are:

Can the same MYOB data file be used in AccountRight(Win) and
AccountEdge(Mac) and if so does it just need an extension change or zipping

Does anyone know if the network versions of either AccountRight or
AccountEdge can be used with both Mac and Windows clients ­ the manuals only
talk about clients from the same platform, they¹re not specific, surprise!

I know nothing about accounting but does anyone send their MYOB files to an
accountant and if so is it just the data file that you send or do you do an

Thanks for any info on this as MYOB¹s site isn¹t too helpful and reviews
seem to overlook these details.


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