Have just skimmed this quickly as I am about to start with a client....can 
WAMUGS get insurance or not?? Too expensive?
Have you looked into hiring the Shenton Park Community Hall?
I am totally new to this list so forgive my possible stupid questions....
What sort of room do you need with what equipment?
As I have never been to a meet and was hoping to come along I don't know what 
you do. Does everyone bring their own laptops?

On 29/07/2010, at 10:37 PM, Pete Smith wrote:

> G'day all WAMUGGERs.
> Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, the August WAMUG 
> meeting has had to be postponed (well, cancelled actually).
> The reasons are as follows:
> Curtin University, our treasured 'home' for many years, has recently been 
> implementing changes to their policy and procedures in relation to the 
> booking and hiring of rooms. As you are aware, we had to introduce a $5 levy 
> to cover the cost of payment for hiring the room. Alas, the uni now also 
> requires us to have public liability insurance. I quote from their 
> 'Application Form   Hire And Use Of University Facilities' -
>       "7.      Public Liability Insurance: All external persons, 
> organisations or groups hiring University facilities must produce a 
> certificate of currency for a current public liability insurance policy. The 
> policy should provide cover for an insured amount of not less than $10 
> million. This evidence must be produced before the venue hire is confirmed" 
> (my emphasis).
> We have made initial inquiries in regard to obtaining this insurance but 
> first estimates were in the vicinity of $600 - $1,000.oo.   -   Inquiries are 
> ongoing!
> As you can see, it's not something that can be rushed into.
> The FutureSphere at Christ Church Grammar School was considered as an 
> alternative place. However, due to relatively short notice and the nearness 
> of the meeting, it was decided that the best option would be to not hold an 
> August meeting.
> This will also allow us to endeavour to ascertain what liability, if any, 
> WAMUG may have in regards to having meetings at other places, including 
> Christ Church, and even the annual barbecue.
> (Having said that, I'm wondering if there is any subscriber to the list who 
> has some professional knowledge of the subject that could advise the 
> Committee or point us in the right direction on what course of action we 
> should take or perhaps where we may obtain the best deal?)
> On behalf of the WAMUG Committee, I would like to apologise for this 
> postponement. However, all things being equal, favourable and sitting under 
> the right star, we'll see you at the September meeting.
> Regards,
> Pete Smith
> For and on behalf of the WAMUG Committee
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