I haven't experienced the beach ball with Safari since I turned off the stupid 
top sites. All that seems to do is fill up with thumbnails and gradually render 
the whole thing unusable.

On 25/09/2010, at 10:24 AM, Edward wrote:

> Good morning
> Yesterday I changed browser from Safari to Chrome. This is not a suck it and 
> see temporary alternative. These are the bells of freedom type of change.
> I have been an avid user of Safari for years and, on and off, tried Camino 
> and Opera and Shiira and Flock and OmniWeb as well as Firefox. 
> I started to feel frustrated with Safari a few months back, because of the 
> drag on the CPU and other sluggishness. After each Safari update I thought 
> this is the one that will free it up and give it the speed its purported to 
> have. But it seems to get slower and command more processor power and RAM. So 
> I gave Firefox another go for a couple of weeks and it seemed faster with 
> less drag on the system, but its bloated with add-ons and other stuff. 
> Then I gave Chrome another go, spent time setting it up nicely with some 
> extensions and having a serious go at Google's offering as contender for my 
> main browser. The longer I used Chrome the more I liked it. It seems to 
> render pages faster than the other browsers and there is far less drag on the 
> CPU. The interface is clean and stripped down, the add-ons sit in the tool 
> bar and are less obtrusive than in Firefox. The spinning rainbow disc has not 
> appeared in my browsing life since Chrome - it was a never ending fact of 
> life with Safari.
> So, I managed to break away from the Safari habit and feel a sense of freedom 
> with Google's Chrome. I wonder what WAMUG users have to say about browsers 
> these days?
> Best wishes,
> Edward
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