
Domain Server Compatibility:-
OS X server does not support Windows 7 at all as per Apple information release 
MacWindows: Apple, MS, say Win 7 client can't join OS X Server PDC Domain
But some have made it work others have not. I have no success yet utilising PDC 
in SMB, but Samba can be configured to work with many other Linux alternatives 
ClearOS, eBox/Zentyal and the usual binaries...ClearOS Firewall/Gateway here 
excepts Win7 as PDC, which I can then authorise against OS X server.

WinXP has no issues with any at all. Everything works in XP without fault 
somewhere somehow, and I still use within MacBook Pro.

So in a OS X environment check with Admins, if Windows environment again check, 
but would suggest Windows 7.
I find Win 7 works great on all Mac Intel machines especially latest offerings, 
remember to install Bootcamp from OS X install disk once Windows installed. 
This updates system and makes Windows OS X keyboard and other machine 
compatible. This same for WinXP also.

Windows 7 is available as a Academic offering for $49, but will need a previous 
version of windows installed, email of list. WinXp also has some deals again 
There are some companies that have not released Win7 Drivers or plug-ins so 
check all devices planning on using; especially phones for tethering and ADSL 

64bit or 32bit both work on Mac Intel lots of memory on machine go 64Bit, but 
maybe a few more hassles with drivers and overall compatibility on Macs usually 
not issue, BUT.

Avoid VISTA 

Windows XP will be supported by Microsoft for sometime yet, but only Service 
Pack 3 and beyond.

Professional version for all offerings as it offers the network connectivity.


On 17Oct2010, at 6:47 pm, Peter Bull wrote:

> I need to buy a copy of Windoze for my iMac. The choice is between Windows XP 
> with Service Pack 3, or Windows 7.
> What is the preference? Is one better/worse than the other?
> Personally, I think Windows is rubbish anyway, but I am hoping to gain some 
> desk space by running Windows on the Mac  and getting rid of my PC.
> Regards,
> Peter Bull
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