
21" intel iMac (White poly) failed during a clean install (preparing to sell 
it...doh) went pop and smelled a bit funky

replaced the power supply, and now the iMac starts up, the white light shines, 
the screen goes black....but then the light goes out and the screen looses it 
black colour
i can hear the cd spin up a little bit, but it refuses to get into a 'boot' 
ive tried whatever i can find....boot with the c key down
with the d key down to eject the disc
tried to zap the PMU/SMC
tried to boot with open firmware (option command o f)

nothing works

im thinking the hard drive is failed?
but y is it not booting from the cd?

Ashley Mulder
Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) (Forensic Science Hons.)
Student Ambassador
Curtin University

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