Hi Ronni, I did not try the "Terminal Command", I am still a little bit 
frightened of going there, the warnings put me off and I really don't 
understand it.

But that said I did create and maintain a website using TNG and some of that 
"text stuff", but as it was in cyberspace and not on my Mac, I reasoned that 
any damaged would not come back to haunt me and I did get away with it. But it 
did not instil me with the confidence to muck around in terminal, the warnings 
are enough!



On 03/11/2010, at 12:37 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Glad to hear you have 'hidden' the 'WD SmartWare VCD' Disc icon from your 
> desktop. 
> Most people tend to just ignore it especially as you can't actually delete it 
> from the drive (as it is in the Firmware), only 'Hide' it. 
> But, Like you, it annoyed me sitting on my Desktop, so I just had to 'hide' 
> it ;-)
> Did you try the 'Terminal Command' first?
> Because as I mentioned below in my previous email:
>>>> Now thinking back I think it might have worked, as it did unmount the 'WD 
>>>> Smartware CD partition' ... I was expecting it to delete the space it 
>>>> takes up, but on re-reading the command is says unmount … so perhaps I 
>>>> didn't need to do all the following 'stuff' ;-(
> Just interested if you did try the 'Terminal Command', but found you still 
> had to do all the other rigmarole ;-)
> Also VCD Manager is Virtual CD Manager …i.e.  they are the same.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 03/11/2010, at 11:45 AM, Matt Falvey wrote:
>> Hi, Thanks to Ronni and Peter.  This took ages. The hardest part being that 
>> to effect the changes I had to locate the original USB 2.0 cable that came 
>> with the HD as no changes could be done on the normal firewire connection 
>> only the USB 2.0.
>> I didn't need to instal VCD Manager though.  Just instal the Firmware update 
>> through the USB, after having turned off and disconnected everything in the 
>> house. And as I didn't have VCD Manager installed I downloaded and installed 
>> Virtual CD Manager instead to disable the VCD. 
>> The really strange thing was though that, at each stage you need to 
>> disconnect the power from the ext HD and then USB from it, by just pulling 
>> them out, for it to "save", all the things you normally don't do when 
>> disconnecting a device.
>> Once again thanks very much for the help the desktop is looking nice and 
>> clutter free again.
>> Matt Falvey.
>> On 02/11/2010, at 10:40 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> On 02/11/2010, at 10:26 AM, Matt Falvey wrote:
>>>> Hi, I have a Western Digital 1.5TB External Hard Drive that I am using for 
>>>> storing video footage on. I have noticed an annoying icon that keeps 
>>>> appearing on my desktop each time I mount the HD, apart from the HD icon 
>>>> that is, and it is a WD SmartWare icon in the shape of a disk, that I 
>>>> can't dismount/eject while I am using the HD.  I can eject the HD and the 
>>>> WD SmartWare icon remains.  What makes it even more strange is that if I 
>>>> click on the HD to show what is on the HD in find the WD SmartWare does 
>>>> not appear.
>>>> I don't want to click it in case I launch what ever it is, just want to 
>>>> find out what it is and get rid of it.  Any ideas?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Matt Falvey  
>>> Hi Matt,
>>> The 'WD SmartWare VCD' disc icon always appears on the Desktop.
>>> The older ones you could erase the SmartWare.
>>> You have two choices … Just ignore the Virtual CD icon each time it appears 
>>> when the drive is connected, OR you can do what I do when I setup these 
>>> Drives for Clients.
>>> The WD SmartWare' (on these new Drives) is installed in the Firmware of the 
>>> Drive, and impossible to erase, you can get it to 'Hide' (but it is still 
>>> taking up space on the drive 237.5MB).
>>> I have managed to disable it, I'm not sure if the Terminal Command I ran 
>>> first or the instructions below did the job.
>>> The Terminal Command I ran was:
>>> sudo sh -c "echo UUID=`diskutil info /Volumes/WD\ SmartWare/ | grep 'UUID' 
>>> | awk '{print $NF}'` none hfs rw,noauto 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"
>>> Now thinking back I think it might have worked, as it did unmount the 'WD 
>>> Smartware CD partition' ... I was expecting it to delete the space it takes 
>>> up, but on re-reading the command is says unmount … so perhaps I didn't 
>>> need to do all the following 'stuff' ;-(
>>> To Disable the 'WD SmartWare VCD' from showing on the desktop every time 
>>> the WD Drive is connected you have to download. 
>>> 1. A Firmware Update for the Drive.
>>> 2. Then download & Install a VCD Manager for Mac. (so it's damn well 
>>> installed on my Mac)
>>> 3. Then Update the Drive Firmware (make sure it's the last updated 5/20/10)
>>> 4. Then Run the Virtual CD Manager.app , click configure the Drive, disable 
>>> the VCD.
>>> Now at least the  'WD SmartWare Disc' doesn't appear on the desktop when 
>>> the WD Drive is connected.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> 17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
>>> 2.66GHz / 8GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm
>>> OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard
>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
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