Hi Matt

If it's not showing up in System Preferences then sounds like the Bluetooth
module isn't getting recognised.
You can double check it if you go to Apple menu - About this Mac. Click on
"More Info...."
Under Hardware then Bluetooth, if it says the say thing " No Bluetooth
Hardware Found" then it means it's not being seen by the computer.
Could be it's either come loose a little (best case scenario) or something
has happened to it hardware wise (Worst case scenario).

You can also try a PRAM reset and a PMU reset.
More info here:-

Let us know how you go.

Kind Regards

On 5/11/10 2:59 PM, "Matt Falvey" <mmfal...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

> Hi, my wireless keyboard had been lost by my Powerbook!  I hadn't changed
> anything, at least I don;t think I did. At first I thought the batteries had
> gone flat, so I recharged them and it was still not recognised.
> I had a hunt around the web for solutions and one was to ditch,
> com.apple.Bluetooth.plist from my User/Library/Preferences and reboot which I
> did.  Didn't change anything.
> Bluetooth is not listed in my System Preferences window under Internet &
> Network any more?  When I go to Utilities and click on Bluetooth Setup
> Assistant.app I get the message  "No Bluetooth Hardware Found" in order to use
> this application you must have a Bluetooth module.  Please verify that your
> Bluetooth hardware is properly attached to the computer.  The same reply comes
> when I try to launch Bluetooth File Exchange.app and Bluetooth Serial
> Utility.app
> Any ideas, I cant see how it disappeared without anything being done?
> Thanks
> Matt
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Daniel Kerr

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