Yes, sorry about not reading your email properly Matt.  I had just arrived back 
in my office and rushed an email off to you.
I've been out again and only now returned ;-(

If the bluetooth hardware is not being seen on your PowerBook.
Do as Daniel suggested:  Firstly try A PRAM reset and if that doesn't help a 
PMU reset.
If neither of these do the trick, it would need to be seen by Daniel as the 
Bluetooth Module could be loose or not connected.

Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
Shut down the computer.
Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will 
need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
Turn on the computer.
Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination 
before the gray screen appears.
Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound 
for the second time.
Release the keys.
Your computer's PRAM and the NVRAM are reset to the default values. The clock 
settings may be reset to a default date on some models.

Resetting PMU on PowerBook or iBook computers
In some troubleshooting situations, if resetting PRAM does not resolve an 
issue, resetting the PMU may be the next appropriate step. For information on 
when this is appropriate and for instructions on how to reset the PMU in your 
PowerBook computer, see Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit 


On 05/11/2010, at 4:31 PM, Matt Falvey wrote:

> Hi Ronni, No Problems, no I did mention in the post that Bluetooth is not 
> even listed in System Preferences.  That was one of the first places I went 
> to try and find out why it wasn't showing up.
> Daniel I followed your instructions and Hardware>Bluetooth it says "No 
> information found."
> I am just starting to repair disk permissions as a first step.
> Matt
> On 05/11/2010, at 3:06 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> Don't take this the wrong way, but do you have Bluetooth turned ON in System 
>> Preferences > Internet & Wireless - Bluetooth "On" & "Discoverable"?
>> Post back if you have and we will give more ideas.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> 17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
>> 2.66GHz / 8GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm
>> OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard
>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>> On 05/11/2010, at 2:59 PM, Matt Falvey wrote:
>>> Hi, my wireless keyboard had been lost by my Powerbook!  I hadn't changed 
>>> anything, at least I don;t think I did. At first I thought the batteries 
>>> had gone flat, so I recharged them and it was still not recognised.
>>> I had a hunt around the web for solutions and one was to ditch, 
>>> from my User/Library/Preferences and reboot which 
>>> I did.  Didn't change anything.
>>> Bluetooth is not listed in my System Preferences window under Internet & 
>>> Network any more?  When I go to Utilities and click on Bluetooth Setup 
>>> I get the message  "No Bluetooth Hardware Found" in order to 
>>> use this application you must have a Bluetooth module.  Please verify that 
>>> your Bluetooth hardware is properly attached to the computer.  The same 
>>> reply comes when I try to launch Bluetooth File and Bluetooth 
>>> Serial
>>> Any ideas, I cant see how it disappeared without anything being done?
>>> Thanks
>>> Matt

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