Hi Ronni,

Well, I hadn't even heard of "SafeSleep" ;o)

After a bit of googling and reading Apple Support Articles, I'm a bit wiser!

I would be surprised if Entourage was the culprit as I always tend to leave
it (and Firefox) on when I sleep the computer - and for over a year this
hasn't given any problem (I realise this doesn't actually rule it out...)

However, after reading <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1776> I checked and
found that I do have "Allow Bluetooth devices to wake this computer" checked
and realised that I had recently added a wireless trackpad to my set-up.

Since I used a wired keyboard, I don't actually need to wake the computer by
bluetooth - so I've unchecked this option as my first trial "fix" - we will
see how we go.

Thanks for alerting me to some of OSXs sleep "features" - whilst I was aware
of the 3 basic modes of hard drive/display/system sleep, I hadn't
appreciated all the other considerations.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 13/1/11 1:55 PM, Ronda Brown at ro...@mac.com wrote:

> Hi Neil,
>>> I tend to feel that the problem MAY be down to the sleep process hanging
>>> (after the screen has been put to sleep but before the computer has been
>>> fully put to sleep) as one strange thing I have noticed is some entourage
>>> error messages reporting failure to connect to server
> The problem with SafeSleep is that if data is being written to the hard drive
> when you select 'sleep',
> SafeSleep encounters an error that causes the machine to hang in sleep.
> Could this be your problem?
> Try quitting Entourage before selecting 'sleep'.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 13/01/2011, at 11:00 AM, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A strange problem this..
>> A few days ago, my iMac wouldn't wake from sleep properly - in actual fact,
>> the screen didn't wake-up (though I didn't realise that at the time) - I
>> could hear the disc going and, since I have the Mac set to require password
>> on wake from either sleep or screen saver, I should get a login window - but
>> the screen remained black, with no mouse cursor.
>> I tried a few random key strokes (to try and "wake" it) and got the "beep"
>> that tells you that is not appropriate (ie I needed to login first).
>> At the time, I was worried my screen had died (and me just a month out of
>> warranty!) and decided a forced shut-down and re-boot should be tried.
>> However, as I was pressing the power button, the log-in window appeared
>> (together with a message about incorrect password - obviously referring to
>> my random keystrokes when the screen was black).
>> I then logged in without problem and everything was OK - I have since
>> surmised that when I went to force the shut-down I actually pressed the
>> power button twice - which put the computer to sleep and then re-awakened it
>> (together with the screen, this time).
>> At the time, I just put it down to some random gremlin - was relieved my
>> screen was not dead - and forgot about it!
>> Until this morning...
>> Go to wake up the computer, can hear activity but the screen stays blank -
>> this time I try just blindly entering my password and hitting return - the
>> login obviously works and I can hear entourage (left running when the mac
>> goes to sleep) retrieving emails from various accounts - but the screen
>> stays black.
>> I fired up the laptop and the iMac can be seen on the network. I try Google
>> (from the laptop) and find a 5 page MacRumours forum on "27"iMac won't wake
>> from sleep" stretching from to November 2009 (the vintage of my iMac)
>> through to December 2010 (ie, basically, now):
>> <http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=825871>
>> This showed LOTS of people having sleep problems - though the problems and
>> circumstances are far from identical - several of the posts seemed similar
>> to my problem and the consensus seemed to be that the screen was not waking
>> up and that perhaps the computer had failed to go completely to sleep.
>> This reminded my of my power button pressing previously - so (more
>> observantly this time) I pressed the power button once and did, in fact,
>> hear the computer go to sleep - I then pressed the button again and the
>> computer awoke correctly and presented me with the login window.
>> Unfortunately, though there are MANY theories on the forum - there appears
>> to be no clear cause/solution:
>> Some people have blamed USB hubs and wireless keyboards - not applicable in
>> my case.
>> Some people point to hardware and have had Apple replacing power supplies,
>> logic boards (sometimes multiple replacements) and even new computers - this
>> may fix it for some people - but others have the problem re-occur - even
>> over new computers.
>> Others point to this as indicating a software problem and advocate complete
>> re-installations of the operating system - again this has worked for some
>> (or appeared to work for a while) but not for others - and the problem seems
>> to span several versions of Snow Leopard.
>> For myself - I had the computer for over a year before the problem appeared
>> - but it then re-appeared within days.
>> I haven't recently changed any hardware (& don't have a usb hub connected).
>> I haven't had any major software changes (haven't yet gone to 10.6.6) -
>> though I may have installed a few small programs/utilities?
>> I tend to feel that the problem MAY be down to the sleep process hanging
>> (after the screen has been put to sleep but before the computer has been
>> fully put to sleep) as one strange thing I have noticed is some entourage
>> error messages reporting failure to connect to server - at times when the
>> computer should have been asleep - but these are isolated and not recurring
>> on the 20 minute schedule that entourage checks for mail.
>> Anybody else experienced or experiencing similar problems?
>> Any ideas?
>> At present it is not too big a problem since (unlike some posters) I don't
>> have to force shutdown to get out of the problem - and it's only happened
>> twice - but if it starts to get more frequent it could get very annoying!
>> Cheers
>> Neil
>> -- 
>> Neil R. Houghton
>> Albany, Western Australia
>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>> Email: n...@possumology.com

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