On 19/01/2011, at 12:15 PM, Adrian Skehan wrote:

> Good morning all,
> Having had an intermittent but ongoing internet problem and been totally 
> frustrated with bigpond it appears that my next course of action is to try 
> another modem.  Th background of the problem is that I frequently (during any 
> given day) the internet drops out for 30 seconds to 10 minutes or sometimes 
> mush longer the comes on again without any intervention, this occurs 
> simultaneously on all 3 iMacs, MacBook Pro and my windows clunker which are 
> all connected wirelessly a Thompson TG782T modem.  BigPond support are saying 
> that there is something wrong in the modem as they cant find anything on 
> their side and cant argue against all my equipment having the same problem.  
> At this stage I am desperate enough go get a new modem so any suggestions as 
> to make, model and supplier will be greatly appreciated.


You might be interested in my fruitless exchanges with BigPond on much the same 

Vlad James
wireless (NetComm 3G21WB)
27" iMac 2.8 GHz i5 8GB 
OS X 10.6.6

------------------------------ Final reply to BigPond 15 December 2010 

This reply looks to me like a form-letter, plucked from BigPond's vast supply. 
It does not deal with the problem described. The drop-outs are variable. They 
tend to occur during traffic peaks. There are no "basements, lifts, underground 
car parks  and large buildings" involved. It seems most likely that BP's 
servers are not adequately coping.

On the matter of external antennas: When I subcribed to BP's wireless BB, I was 
obliged to spend more than $200 for the modem of the day. It provided an 
antiquated, but more reliable, connection than I presently have. Then, with 
BP's promise of more efficiency and speed, I spent another large sum to install 
the present NetComm 3G21WB. The improvement in connectivity was small and more 
or less cancelled out by the increased number of drop-outs. Now, BP is advising 
me to spend yet more money on an antenna. Well, I have lost faith in BP's 
recommendations, especially those in form-letters that look like they were 
designed more to improve BP's profits than anything else. The way BP's servers 
are coping with traffic, I see little likelihood of improved connectivity, even 
with the Eiffel Tower installed as my antenna.

Vladimir James

On 14/12/2010, at 1:53 PM, BigPond Technical Support wrote:

> Dear Vladimir,
> Thank you for your email dated 07 Dec.
> Unfortunately, we cannot control some external events that may affect our 
> provision of the Service to you and continuous Low signal strength will cause 
> the drop out issue you are reporting.
> As with any radio system (i.e. mobile broadband card, mobile phone, TV 
> signals, radio etc), there are places inside the marked coverage areas where 
> the service may not work due to a variety of environmental factors we may not 
> have any control over. For example, radio reception can be degraded or 
> non-existent in certain places, basements, lifts, underground car parks and 
> large buildings. Reception can also be affected by mountains, tunnels and 
> sources of radio interference like television, microwave and radio 
> transmission towers.
> Whilst Next G coverage covers 98% of the population, the coverage displayed 
> is created using tools that predict the likely areas of coverage. While the 
> coverage identified is generally accurate, there will be areas described as 
> being within coverage areas where mobile phones will not work. Planned future 
> coverage is subject to change.
> If you are experiencing low signal we would recommend purchasing an external 
> antenna for your Next G Device these come from minimal gain antenna's to high 
> gain professional installations and there are numerous benefits such as 
> higher data speeds for data users and more consistent data rates. For more 
> information on the antenna's please visit the following location:
> http://bigpond.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/bigpond.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=12233
> If you wish to purchase an antenna please call the BigPond sales team on 137 
> 663 option 1.
> We currently offer the antenna's on a 10 day money back guarantee and if you 
> see no improvement please contact us on 137 663 for a rebate. 
> If you have any other questions, please visit our Help Centre at 
> www.bigpond.com/help
> The Help Centre is a handy resource for our members which includes things 
> such as our Frequently Asked Questions and our new Email Troubleshooter which 
> has been set up to help you solve all your email problems.
> Thank you for choosing BigPond.

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