There is a key difference from what that guy has posted compared to Apple -
none of those activities involve any form of data collection for
advertising.  Now that Apple are in the advertising game (with iAds), that
data may be used for targeted advertising.  I think its a subtle method
similar to what Google do with their search (which is a reason I have heard
numerous times why people avoid Android).


On 21/04/2011 3:34 PM, "Ronda Brown" <> wrote:
> Exactly Reg, Fact rather than Fiction ;-)
> This guy sums it up rather well yesterday.
> <>
> Scroll down to 'nightcap965' reply
> /Begin Quote:
> Help! Help! The paranoids are after me!
> With respect to all the "view with alarm" postings that will follow, this
really doesn't mean anything. I leave my home at the same time every
morning. The transponder in my car records my passage and debits my account
with the state highway department. Traffic cameras record my license plate
at several points during my journey. Once out of the car, my smiling phiz
can be seen on any number of CCTVs en route to my office, whose door I open
with a card that automatically records my entry. The IP address of this
posting will reveal that I am sitting in my living room as I write. Even
without the GPS turned on, my phone regularly initiates a conversation with
the local cell tower. I can be found with almost pinpoint accuracy.
> So I'm not exactly going to panic to learn that my computer and phone keep
a record of my latitude and longitude that they don't share with anyone
> The government already knows where I live, where I work, where I bank, and
all kinds of other interesting information. It's how they collect their
taxes and send me my mail.
> /End Quote
> Sent from Ronni's iPad
> On 21/04/2011, at 3:07 PM, Reg Whitely <> wrote:
>> This is worth reading, to put it into perspective.
>> Reg
>> Reg Whitely
>> Home: 08 9921 7272
>> Mob: 04 8899 7313
>> Email:
>> On 21/04/2011, at 12:49 pm, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel & iPhone users,
>>> More interesting video and read found here:
>>> <
>>> Disturbing facts …
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7
>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>> OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard
>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>>> On 21/04/2011, at 1:45 AM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>>> Just got home from finishing a job, and while starting the next one,
>>>> just having a flick through the "rumour sites".
>>>> Quite an interesting read about a file stored on the iPhone/iPad.
>>>> Worth a read,...will be interesting to see the "feedback" on it.
>>>> <
>>>> cation-tracking-privacy-issues/>
>>>> Enjoy!
>>>> Kind Regards
>>>> Daniel
>>>> ---
>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>> MacWizardry
>>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>>> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
>>>> Web: <>
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