On 04/08/2011, at 9:55 AM, Robert Miller-Eves wrote:

> I need to continue using Macromedia Freehand MX and Photoshop CS2 in my work 
> as I'm familiar with them but aware  that OS Lion does not support them.
> Is it possible to run 10.6.8 from an external Drive (and use Lion on My 
> computer  Drive (iMac 27")? If so how does one select which OS to start up 
> with?
> I have a fairly reasonable clue about this issue but would appreciate some 
> Expert advice 
> Thanks in advance!

Hi Robert,

I would suggest a better way is to do what I have done. I cloned my OS X 10.6.8 
system using Super Duper (you can use Carbon Copy Cloner if you prefer) onto a 
bootable External FW Drive. Then purchased Lion OS X 10.7 from the App Store 
and installed Lion on an external FW Drive.

This way I can boot into Lion for testing purposes before I decide if I want it 
on my main work MacBook Pro.
By doing this, my work MBP is not being disturbed by any ‘glitches’ that I 
might find using Lion.

You can use a USB External; Drive if you wish, I just prefer using FW drives 
(of which I have many ;-)
Very important: You first must format the external drive in ‘GUID Partition 
Table’ & Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled) otherwise you will not be able to 
boot from the drive.
(If you require details how to format an external drive, please post back & 
I’ll include instructions.

Then when I find some time to do some testing of Lion I just:
Connect the FW Drive to MBP
Go to System Preferences >  Startup Disk (Under System)
Click ’Startup Disk’ (it will now show both your OS X 10.6.8 HD & your OS X 
10.7 HD
Select the OS X 10.7 HD
Click ‘Resart’

Your computer will restart into Lion. When you have finished testing Lion out, 
just restart back into OS X 10.6.8


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard 
OS X 10.7 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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