On 17/09/2011, at 7:55 AM, Rod Blitvich wrote:

> Hi WAMUGers
> I finally bit the bullet and ordered a built to order MacBook Air 2 or 3 
> weeks ago (through my usual education reseller).
> I expected a 2 or 3 week wait at worst.
> I have just been told maybe end of this month - that will be a 4 or 5 week 
> wait!
> The australian apple online store indicates "3 business days" for the exact 
> same order.
> Strange?
> Any ideas please?
> cheers
> Blitto

Hi Rod

I'll try answer this without my "clouded judgment",..lol

Firstly, sometimes the Online store isn't alway "exact". Generally it may be 3 
business days to get it, but sometimes you order it online and on the 2nd day 
get an email sent to you saying it will be longer. And so on til the time blows 
out. (Doesn't happen all the time, but I have heard and read it happening).

Secondly, sometimes Apple online store has stock for "themselves", and not for 
the "channel". (This is where my "clouded judgment" comes in). You can get 
things faster sometimes from the online store then you can from the channel. 
Fair? Well, I won't get started on that. I work with and know a fair few of the 
resellers, and I feel for them. 
Apple can deliver stock to themselves before they will to their dealers. (iPad2 
launch for example. Applestore(s) had lots of stock, resellers,..lucky if they 
got a handful).
I could rabbit on for ages about this, but, well, I said I wouldn't,..lol

Of course, there can be other delays that happen as well. Sometimes parts can 
become "scarce" or a little hiccup happens. So there are plenty of reasons. And 
sometimes when they order it, they are told it will be x amount of days, then 
something happens to their order and the delivery date changes for no apparent 
reason. (So when they look at the online trace of it, they tell you one date, 
then look back at 2 weeks and find it's moved again.) 
Sometime you need a crystal ball to figure it all out! lol.
I go back to my early comment...I feel for the resellers.

My perspective might be a bit tainted, as I've worked for a couple of resellers 
and seen how it works and seeing as I'm not "employed" by Apple then I can 
"comment" a bit more I guess without worry about consequences. Sure, I suppose 
I could get flamed for it,...lol. :o)

This is stil one of the reasons I do what I can to always push getting things 
from the resellers. If we don't look after them, they will close up. And then 
the only option would be the Applestore. At least the resellers will offer a 
"package deal" (Where they can of course as margins are soooo low). You won't 
get a discount from the online store (or the Apple store).

Sorry if I took it offtrack a little, but was trying to give you some ideas 
with what the delay may be and some extra info "around the edges".

I've always thought it a little bit of a "conflict of interest" where the 
distributor sells in direct competition to their own channel. But I won't get 
started on that,..... (Besides,..how do you argue that point,..lol).

I'll now go hide in the corner until I'm sure it's safe to come out again :o))

Hope something in there helps. I'm sure if you ask them they hopefully can 
explain it a bit more as to why the delay as well. 

Kind regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

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