Thanks Ronni. That one I've tried. EVen tried twice, ie. reinstalled 5.3, then 
when that didn't work installed 5.4 beta over the top of 5.3. With all of that 
failing, 2.8 is the bandaid measure.

Maybe I'll try a fresh install AFTER removing the folder ~/Library/Application 
Support/Skype, see if it makes a difference, and if so, introduce the folders 
and files within ~/Library/Application Support/Skype one by one, see if I can 
narrow down to an offender.

Cheers, Steven

On 20/09/2011, at 6:44 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Steven,
> Generally I would suggest as Adrian to uninstall any Application use 
> AppZapper , AppCleaner, or similar, but perhaps in your circumstance here, 
> where you want to uninstall Skype but make sure you keep your contacts & chat 
> histories, and then re-install Skype.
> A) Backup your Skype files first to a safe place (perhaps Desktop)
> Skype also stores chat histories and contacts locally on your computer.
> Skype for Mac OS X stores contact list files and call records in 
> ~/Library/Application Support/Skype. 
> You  back up all files and directories beneath it. 
> You could ‘Option-Drag’ the folder/files to your Desktop.
> 1. Then Open Applications and Drag your copy of Skype to the trash. 
> Note: I don’t think then that the files above would be deleted, only the 
> Application, BUT, you have backed them up to your Desktop just in case ;-)
> 3. Re-Install Skype
> Check in  ~/Library/Application Support/Skype that the above files are there 
> and that Skype works.
> If you find you need to restore your contacts and data, simply copy the files 
> back to the directory mentioned above.
> I have never done this, so I take absolutely no responsibility.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
> OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard 
> OS X 10.7 Lion
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
> On 20/09/2011, at 3:37 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>> Thanks Adrian. I pondered figuring out how to do a complete uninstall, 
>> however thought that it might cause loss of all historical chat, voice 
>> messages, etc. Is there as a danger of that happening do you know?
>> On 20/09/2011, at 5:12 PM, Adrian Skehan wrote:
>>> Good afternoon Steve,
>>> I have found the best way to solve this is to uninstall it (I use CleanApp 
>>> for this,) download it and reinstall it from scratch.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrian
>>> On 20/09/2011, at 2:52 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>>>> After working just fine since the version was released, Skype 5.3 suddenly 
>>>> starting quitting on me, and failing to relaunch (quits each time it tries 
>>>> to launch) on 10.7.1.
>>>> I've repaired preferences, restarted Mac, to no avail. Found one suggested 
>>>> remedy on the web, being to trash ~Library > Application Support > Skype > 
>>>> shared.xml then relaunch Skype, but that doesn't work.
>>>> Downloaded 5.4 beta in case that solved the problem - nope.
>>>> Another suggestion was to revert to an older version of Skype, so I've 
>>>> done that for now, going back in time to 2.8. This older version launches 
>>>> without quitting at least, but hardly a good solution.
>>>> A clue may be that I was trying to launch Fetch 5.6 around the same time, 
>>>> and Fetch wasn't launching properly either. That problem solved with a 
>>>> reboot of the Mac.
>>>> Anybody had the same problem and found a fix?
>>>> Cheers, Steven
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