Yeh I did try,..just couldn't get hold of you, sorry about that :o)
I decided this time to buy the iPhone outright and go on a different plan for 
12 months. Not tied into anything for two years now :)) 
And I knew Ronni had said she was missing all the iPhone4 features, and seeing 
as I as going in (or attempting to),..and she lives miles away 
(hehe),...thought I'd offer. Don't worry, she hasn't got my bill yet,..mwahaha 

And I'm fairly picky, so seeing as I don't have a cover or anything for it yet, 
I don't mind leaving it in the box. (Must be my OCD kicking in, Plus I 
had a stack of work to finish for clients, so I do those things first before 
getting to play with my toys (that's why my iPad2 got sold still in the box  4 
weeks after I got it to a client. They needed one quickly and no stock was 
available, I'll replace it sometime soon when I know I'll get to set it 
up. :o) hehe.

But yes, looking forward to playing with some of the new iOS5 features. I might 
even get around to putting Lion on the laptop. Once I update Filemaker. (For 
the upgrade,..just haven't installed it yet). 
I wonder how you can upgrade your day to get more hours in it,... :o) hehe. 


Kind regards

On 14/10/2011, at 6:58 PM, Pedro wrote:

> Hi Ronni
> I must have missed Daniels call, I think I was mowing the lawn ha
> I have all the new features ( apart from Siri 8mg camera and fast processor ) 
> so I will wait until Ali's 3G S dies before I upgrade
> cheers
> Pedro
> On 14/10/2011, at 6:33 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hi Pedro,
>> On 14/10/2011, at 6:03 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>> Yeh quite good I thought.
>>> And yes, I managed to pick up two a bit before 2pm I think it was.
>> Yep, one for ME!! I had no intention of upgrading my perfectly working 
>> iPhone 3G S until the iPhone 5 is released, but when Daniel phoned and asked 
>> did I want him to pick up one for me as well … what could I say … other than 
>>  YES please!
>> We did it for Steve didn’t we Daniel ;-)
>>> I was watching the Whirlpool forum last night about all the people "camping 
>>> out" to get one,..and after they said the line got down to past Cloisters 
>>> Square I thought the chance of getting one was going to be slim. Then 
>>> reading it between appointments today and seeing that some "scalpers" were 
>>> buying 40-50 to send to China to sell,..I thought the chance even less. The 
>>> forums said a lot had sold, so I gave up and ordered online (for a 2 week 
>>> delivery). Then as chance had it, I was passing town on the way to another 
>>> appointment and thought I'd try. So swung past. About 10minutes all up and 
>>> I left with two black 32GB iPhone4S. :o)) There was only 1 person in line 
>>> outside before me, I took my card to get the phone then went into the 
>>> store. Went through very quickly. So I wasn't even late for my appointment 
>>> :))
>>> That just leaves tomorrow to go and get it changed from Vodafone to Telstra 
>>> and port my number (and get a temporary case until I find one I want/like). 
>>> Then I can take it out of the box. Til then, it's sitting smiling at me on 
>>> my desk ;o))
>> Me too, off to Telstra to change over from my iPhone 3G S to a new plan & 
>> "iPhone Steve”!
>>> Kind regards
>>> Daniel
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> On 14/10/2011, at 5:44 PM, Pedro wrote:
>>>> They are Siri - ously funny. Did you get one yet
>>>> iPadro
>>>> On 14/10/2011, at 5:21 PM, Daniel Kerr <> wrote:
>>>>> I wondered how long it would be,,,lol
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Some of them are quite funny,.....and I'm sure there will be more
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Daniel Kerr
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Daniel Kerr

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