To all who subscribe to the WAMUG list, may you have a safe, peaceful and
happy Christmas with your friends and family.

May you have a wonderful and joyous New Years, and may all your resolutions
be finally fulfilled!

May all your Apple wishes come true next year, whether it be an iPhone 5, a
USB port on the iPad, a stable Lion OS (please integrate with AD!), a 15²
MacBook Air or a completely new product.

Importantly, may you all be back here safe and well next year, desperate for
help, offering solutions, postulating on an issue, providing psychic
revelations on Apple releases, sharing thoughts, views and ideas, posting to
³Ask Ronni² or just reading what everyone else is posting. I look forward
with enthusiasm and excitement to 2012, despite what the Mayans (allegedly)
say!!!  :-)


Stuart Evans
T4 Technology

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