Hi Muggers

I have a folder in my mailbox called Mac stuff to keep and I just had a look at 
it...it dates from 2000 (when I had a G3 powerbook running 8.5) and there are 
many precious hints in there, (like what to do when the Sylewriter's waste ink 
tanks fill up) which I've kept in case I ever need to refer to them. I know 
that Ronni's hints and exhortations about backup are there when I need them. 
I've noticed that expert people wax and wane over time (Otto?Shay?) and it's 
great that there seems to be a continual source of helpful folks around to keep 
us all going.

Reflecting on all this golden information, I can't for the life of me begrudge 
WAMUG the annual fees (lees than a carton, folks). I've learned heaps through 
the interchange of problems/options/solutions that have been a constant 
workshop for the non-techies like me.

All power to you, WAMUG, long may we thrive.



Mike Murray and Lesley Silvester
East Fremantle
Western Australia

Tel 08 9339 8078
Fax 08 9339 0519
Mob 0407 669 376

British and Australian genealogical and historical research, 
education, publishing and film-making


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