Hi Adrian,

On 21/07/2012, at 12:22 PM, iCloud wrote:

> Thanks Ronni & Daniel
> I have changed the channel to "1" and the signal went up to 75% (varying 
> between 73% & 78%) and the range went up a notch, the other 2 stations are at 
> 22% & 23%.  Would I be correct in thinking that if I selected channel 2 the 
> result could be improved even more?

No, I don't think it would improve, as I mentioned in a previous email to you:
"the only option you have is to perhaps try changing the Channel from 11- to 
channel  1 or 6 or 13 which don't overlap, and see if it makes a difference.
If the channel numbers are 5 or more apart, they don't overlap each other. If 
they are less than than 5 apart, they do and you'll get interference."


>  I will have a look at Netgear next week and see what happens.  The more I 
> get to know about these things the better sport some of these salesmen become.

> On 21/07/2012, at 11:13 AM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>> Hi Adrian
>> Definitely go a different channel if others have the same one, it just means 
>> you're not all "operating in the same space. "
>> If I find clients wireless on the same channel as others I tend to change 
>> theirs to 5, 7 or 8. Not many seem to work in that. 
>> If you're looking at getting a new router definitely go for one that is dual 
>> band wireless. This means the one router can separate the wireless channels. 
>> ie computers that are 802.11n capabable go in the 5GHz range and devices 
>> that are 892.11a/b/g go in the 2.4GHz range. It's the one device but does it 
>> better. 
>> Otherwise what happens is if it's not dual band then even if it can handle 
>> the 5GHz range as soon as an older device joins the whole network slows down 
>> to 2.4GHz. 
>> I just recently changed a client over from the older Airport Express to the 
>> new Airport Express (Dual band) for the exact reason above. Their range kept 
>> dropping out and slowing, yet most of their machines were all new. But the 
>> wireless printer wasn't. So it slowed the whole network down. 
>> We swapped out to the new wireless unit ($119) keeping their same modem and 
>> their range improved about 150% and faster speeds!
>> If you're replacing the modem then the ones I tend to recommend for clients 
>> are Netgear. They work really well and have great back up support. 
>> Others I've also used or recommended are TP-Link, Belkin and D-Link (though 
>> D-link tend to be a last resort). Ones I tend to avoid (for personal reasons 
>> of bad service, bad runs with them) are Netcomm. (and I'd add D-Link in here 
>> too sometimes lol). 
>> You will pay a bit more for a modem that is Dual Link wireless, but it's 
>> worth it!
>> Arrr salespeople - gotta love em. :) I had a similar experience in an Apple 
>> reseller recently when I urgently needed a USB to Ethernet adapter so rushed 
>> in to a store to grab one for a job, only to be to advised I was wrong and 
>> no one made such a thing. (even when I said Apple had been making one for 
>> years and I know as I've sold them and used them I just needed a second one 
>> to do a job). I finally got the person to look it up ( and I even gave her 
>> the part number from my the website that I quickly looked up on my iPhone). 
>> And sure enough, they did carry them but none in stock as she'd sold the 
>> last one yesterday. (I couldn't help but laugh). Sorry, I digress..,,lol
>> But yes, definitely look at one with dual band wireless. Netgear I believe 
>> it's the N300 or N600 series. DGN3700 or higher I think from memory. 
>> Hope that helps. 
>> Kind regards
>> Daniel
>> Sent from my iPhone 4s
>> ---
>> Daniel Kerr
>> MacWizardry
>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>> Email: <dan...@macwizardry.com.au>
>> Web: <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>> ** For Everything Apple **
>> On 21/07/2012, at 10:47 AM, iCloud <adrianske...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Good afternoon Ronni.
>>> Sorry to be so long reporting back but I was laid up for a few days.
>>> I downloaded iStumble and find that my router is on channel 11 with a 
>>> signal of 65% (even though it is only 4 meters away), another also on 
>>> channel 11 at 30% signal and a third at 13%.  They are all WAP secure 
>>> Thompson routers on Bigpond accounts.
>>> I have also noticed that the signal throughout the house is very weak in 
>>> the front rooms, down to 1 bar only. So before I start mucking about with 
>>> the channels I am wondering if I would be better off getting a new router 
>>> that has a greater range or getting a range boosting device I have seen at 
>>> Dick Smiths for about $128.
>>> While I have been contemplating the options I have noticed that the iMac 
>>> has stopped loosing Wi-Fi connection and that it is now playing U-Tube 
>>> videos without the continuous stalling I was asking about earlier.
>>> I am leaning towards a new router with the 5GHz/2.5GHz capability but 
>>> conversations I have had with salesmen is usually based on their personal 
>>> experience and i am yet to find one who impressed me as knowing more about 
>>> than I do, their advice is not always as helpful as it should be, the end 
>>> result is, choosing which one to purchase is a very hit and miss 
>>> proposition.  Another problem with choosing is the huge price range the 
>>> come in, and the information printed on the packaging which all seems to 
>>> say much the same thing in different ways that gives the average punter a 
>>> lot of meaningless information. 
>>> If anyone can give me a clue on which one to look at it will be appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrian Skehan
>>> adrianske...@me.com
>>> On 15/07/2012, at 8:34 PM, iCloud wrote:
>>>> Thanks again Ronni,
>>>> I will report back tomorrow.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Adrian Skehan
>>>> adrianske...@me.com
>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 8:26 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>> Thanks for the information. Unfortunately from the information you have 
>>>>> given below the Router is only capable of a 802.11b/g - 2.5GHz wireless 
>>>>> network. 
>>>>> NOT a Dual-Band 802.11b/g/n - 5GHz - 2.5GHz Wireless Network.
>>>>> If this is the case, the only option you have is to perhaps try changing 
>>>>> the Channel from 11- to channel  1 or 6 or 13 which don't overlap, and 
>>>>> see if it makes a difference.
>>>>> If the channel numbers are 5 or more apart, they don't overlap each 
>>>>> other. If they are less than than 5 apart, they do and you'll get 
>>>>> interference.
>>>>> You can download iStumbler  <http://istumbler.net>  which will show any 
>>>>> other wireless Networks (neighbours) within range of your Network and 
>>>>> show if they are using Channel 11. If so you need to select a channel 
>>>>> away from 11.
>>>>> But, if this problem has only arisen since you updated to OS X 10.7.4 I 
>>>>> would think it is not due to channel or 2.5GHz wireless network;  but 
>>>>> with the Wi-Fi driver IO80211Family.kext (version 4.2) that ships with OS 
>>>>> X 10.7.4. Some iMac users have found replacing this .kext file with 
>>>>> IO80211Family.kext (version 4.1.2) which came with OS X 10.7.3 stopped 
>>>>> the Wi-Fi drops.
>>>>> Test with trying different channels to see if it helps.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad
>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 6:55 PM, iCloud <adrianske...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Ronni,
>>>>>> It took me a while to get into the router at  
>>>>>> Hopefully the following is what you are looking for, I have inserted a ✔ 
>>>>>> for checked boxes and buttons.
>>>>>> Wireless Access Point - BigPondD96B52
>>>>>> Configuration
>>>>>> Interface Enabled:    Yes
>>>>>> Physical Address:    00:24:17:47:A3:8B
>>>>>> Network Name (SSID):    BigPondD96B52
>>>>>> Interface Type:    802.11b/g
>>>>>> Actual Speed:    54 Mbps
>>>>>> Band:    2.4G Hz
>>>>>> Security
>>>>>> Allow New Devices:    New stations are allowed (automatically)
>>>>>> Security Mode:    WPA-PSK
>>>>>> ______________________________________________
>>>>>> Wireless Access Point - BigPondD96B52    
>>>>>> Configuration
>>>>>> Interface Enabled:        ✔
>>>>>> Physical Address:    00:24:17:47:A3:8B
>>>>>> Network Name (SSID):    BigPondD96B52
>>>>>> Interface Type:    802.11b/g
>>>>>> Actual Speed:    54 Mbps
>>>>>> Band:    2.4G Hz
>>>>>> Channel Selection:    Manual ✔ (alternative: Automatic)
>>>>>> Region:    Europe
>>>>>> Channel:    11 (1 to 13 available)
>>>>>> Allow multicast from Broadband Network:    ✔
>>>>>> Security
>>>>>> Broadcast Network Name:        ✔
>>>>>> Allow New Devices:    (New stations are allowed automatically)
>>>>>> Encryption:
>>>>>> Disabled
>>>>>> Use WEP Encryption
>>>>>> Use WPA-PSK Encryption:    ✔
>>>>>> WPA-PSK Encryption Key:        ✔
>>>>>> WPA-PSK Version:    WPA
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Adrian Skehan
>>>>>> adrianske...@me.com
>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 4:30 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>>>> Without knowing how you have setup your Wireless Network?
>>>>>>> What are the settings... Is it 802.11b/g/n 5GHz & 2.4GHz?
>>>>>>> What encryption (Security) are you using  (WPA2-PSK Encryption or ?) 
>>>>>>> To access the Thompson Gateway GUI (Graphical User Interface):
>>>>>>> 1.  Open your web browser.
>>>>>>> 2.  Browse to the IP address of your Thomson Gateway (by default: 
>>>>>>> 3.  If you have protected your Thomson Gateway with a user name and 
>>>>>>> password, the Thomson Gateway will prompt you to enter these. 
>>>>>>> Enter your user name and password and click OK.
>>>>>>> 4.  The Thomson Gateway GUI appears.
>>>>>>> On the Home Network Menu click Wireless
>>>>>>> In the upper-right corner, click Details
>>>>>>> Under:
>>>>>>> Configuration-  you find the Network Name
>>>>>>> Security- you can find the encryption 
>>>>>>> Wireless - Configure - Under Configuration you can see the Channel 
>>>>>>> Selection list.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 4:00 PM, iCloud wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ronni,
>>>>>>>> Its a Thompson TG 782T
>>>>>>>> Default SSID    BigPondxxxxxx
>>>>>>>> Each unit has a unique SSID in the form of BigPondxxxxxx
>>>>>>>> Multiple SSID     
>>>>>>>> Wireless Distribution System (WDS) compatible     
>>>>>>>> Access point mode     
>>>>>>>> Wireless client mode     
>>>>>>>> Wireless bridge mode     
>>>>>>>> Multipoint bridge mode     
>>>>>>>> Repeater mode     
>>>>>>>> WEP-64bit     
>>>>>>>> WEP-128bit     
>>>>>>>> WEP-256bit     
>>>>>>>> WPA     
>>>>>>>> WPA-PSK     
>>>>>>>> WPA2     
>>>>>>>> WPA2-PSK     
>>>>>>>> WPS support     
>>>>>>>> 802.1X EAP support     
>>>>>>>> 802.11a (54 Mbps)     
>>>>>>>> 802.11b (11 Mbps)     
>>>>>>>> 802.11b+ (22 Mbps)     
>>>>>>>> 802.11g (54 Mbps)     
>>>>>>>> 802.11g "Super-G" (108Mbps)     
>>>>>>>> Draft 802.11n (Pre-N)     
>>>>>>>> 802.11n (300 Mbps)     
>>>>>>>> Internal antenna(s)    0
>>>>>>>> External antenna(s)    1
>>>>>>>> External Antenna Removable?     
>>>>>>>> External antenna is fixed but internally it connects using a U.FL or 
>>>>>>>> IPX connector (same as mini PCI wireless cards)
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Adrian Skehan
>>>>>>>> adrianske...@me.com
>>>>>>>> I believe BigPond are still supplying them. This one is 4 or 5 years 
>>>>>>>> old now, should I be looking at replacing it.
>>>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 3:00 PM, iCloud wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Ronni
>>>>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 2:49 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>>>>>>> This problem seems to be restricted to iMacs running OS X 10.7.4
>>>>>>>>>> Are you connecting to 5GHz Band NOT the 2.4GHz band?
>>>>>>>>> No its  Chanel 11(2.4 GHz)
>>>>>>>>>> If you Option Click on the Wi-Fi symbol top of the Desktop Menu. You 
>>>>>>>>>> will see details of the connection Channel & Band etc.
>>>>>>>>>> Do you have Wi-Fi interface at the top of the list in System 
>>>>>>>>>> Preferences > Network? 
>>>>>>>>> Yes its on the top of the list
>>>>>>>>>> Click on the little gear at the bottom next to + & - icons (unlock 
>>>>>>>>>> first if locked), choose Set Service Order.
>>>>>>>>>> Drag Wi-Fi to the top of the list. Click OK, the Apply
>>>>>>>>>> What Channel are you connecting to...Have you tried manually setting 
>>>>>>>>>> the Wi-Fi Channel?
>>>>>>>>> No idea of how to go about changing it!
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Adrian Skehan
>>>>>>>>> adrianske...@me.com
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 2:11 PM, iCloud wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I spoke too soon!  The problem just occurred while I was in the 
>>>>>>>>>>> process of sending an e-mail. so maybe the sleep mode had nothing 
>>>>>>>>>>> to do with it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Adrian Skehan
>>>>>>>>>>> adrianske...@me.com
>>>>>>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 1:43 PM, iCloud wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again Ronni, I have changed the sleep times and so far so 
>>>>>>>>>>>> good.  I'll post back if the problem comes up after an extended 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sleep period.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Adrian Skehan
>>>>>>>>>>>> adrianske...@me.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 1:06 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What time do you have set for sleep on your iMac... is it 15 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Minutes?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If so set it to anything else but 15 mins.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Go to System Preferences > Energy Saver > Computer Sleep
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Set the parameter "computer  sleep" to anything you like 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXCEPT  15 min.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (If you set "computer sleep" back to 15 min. the problem returns)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you had it set at something different or it does not fix the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem, post back.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15/07/2012, at 12:40 PM, iCloud wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good afternoon  all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been experiencing an annoying occurrence for a week or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more now and cant find anything in the archive that may help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every time my iMac (27" i7 Intel OS X 10.7.4) goes to sleep the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> internet drops out in a peculiar way;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> While the iMac G5, iPhone and iPad connect OK and the router is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also indicating it is connected, on the iMac (27") Mail and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Safari do not have internet connection.  The Wi-Fi indicator in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the menu bar shows the computer is connected (4 bars)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In System Preferences > Network it shows Wi-Fi is connected, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> selecting Assist Me > Diagnosis the indications are;  Wi-Fi OK 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (green light), Wi-Fi Settings OK (green light), Network Settings 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK (green light),  ISP (Red Light),  Internet (Red Light) and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Server (Red Light).  The Choose network port configuration Wi-Fi 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is selected.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing continue > goes to available networks with my network 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> selected, clicking Continue it then brings ISP, Internet and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Server on line again with the message that the internet appears 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be Working.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any suggestions on how to fix this will be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adrian Skehan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adrianske...@me.com
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