Ronni and other wise WAMUGgers

This is what it says about dependencies:

Jun 27 14:53:02 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local _securityagent[288]: 1 Install Scripts 
Jun 27 14:53:02 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: PackageKit: Shoving 
/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/Cleanup At 
Startup/PKInstallSandboxManager/1.sandbox/Root (9 items) to /
Jun 27 14:53:02 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: PackageKit: Failed to 
move active dyld cache file /var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64 to /var/run: 
No such file or directory (2)
Jun 27 14:53:02 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: PackageKit: Moved active 
dyld cache file to /var/run
Jun 27 14:53:42 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: PackageKit: kextcache 
Jun 27 14:53:46 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: PackageKit: kextcache 
-update-volume / -Installer
Jun 27 14:53:47 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: kextcache: 
ZoomCSRUSBBluetoothHCIController.kext - no dependency found for
Jun 27 14:53:47 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: kextcache: 
ZoomCSRUSBBluetoothHCIController.kext is missing dependencies (including 
anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)
Jun 27 14:53:49 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: kextcache: 
ZoomCSRUSBBluetoothHCIController.kext - no dependency found for
Jun 27 14:53:50 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jun 27 14:53:50 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: kextcache: Prelink failed 
for com.polyvision.driver.ZoomCSRUSBBluetoothHCIController; aborting prelink.
Jun 27 14:53:50 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: kextcache: Failed to 
generate prelinked kernel.
Jun 27 14:53:50 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: kextcache: Child process 
/usr/sbin/kextcache[296] exited with status 71.
Jun 27 14:53:50 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: kextcache: Error 107 
rebuilding /System/Library/Caches/
Jun 27 14:53:50 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[242]: PackageKit: releasing 
Spotlight indexing

It seems to relate to ZoomCSRUSBBluetoothHCIController.kext . I'm not sure I 
want to remove that .kext from the System, in case it affects usb or bluetooth 
or something else. It's looking a bit tricky to me.


On 27/06/2013, at 10:28 pm, Ronda Brown <> wrote:

> Reg you will have to look thoroughly through the install.log to see what is 
> causing the kextcache error.
> Utilities > Console 
> Select "/var/log/install.log" from the file list on the left. 
> If you don't see that list, select
> View > Show Log List from the menu bar. 
> Then select the messages from the last installation or update attempt, 
> starting from the time when you initiated it. 
> Look for a  .kext file that is missing dependencies 
> (Note: in my example below xxxxx will of course be a name not X's)
>  kextcache: xxxxx.kext is missing dependencies   
>  kextcache: xxxxx.kext - no dependency found for
> If you find something but can't work out what it means, you could Copy them 
> to the Clipboard (command-C) and Paste (command-V) into a reply and we can 
> look at it.
> I'm shutting down now and tomorrow I have appointments with my Specialist and 
> Doctor, so I don't know when I will be available.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
> On 27/06/2013, at 7:57 PM, Reg Whitely <> wrote:
>> Thanks Ronni, 
>> Ambrosia SnapzPro (trial) was only installed last week and this problem has 
>> been continuing since I first set up the new MacBook Pro earlier this year. 
>> I have anyway uninstalled Soundflower and what I can find of SnapzPro but 
>> the issue still remains. 
>> Never mind. A new day might generate a new idea. Probably I may just act on 
>> Daniel's comment and "live with it", but really I do want my new laptop to 
>> be working perfectly.
>> Reg
>> On 27/06/2013, at 4:25 pm, Ronda Brown <> wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> Soundflower 1.6.6 is not compatible with Mountain Lion.
>>> 1. uninstall Soundflower using the Uninstall script in Apllications > 
>>> Soundflower
>>> 2. Delete all Soundflowerbed related plist files from the User Library > 
>>> Preferences folder.
>>> The User Library is hidden (unless you have unhidden it)
>>> In Finder Menu click Go then hold the Option key.
>>> The Library folder will now appear in the list.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>> On 27/06/2013, at 4:08 PM, Ronda Brown <> wrote:
>>>> com.AmbrosiaSW.AudioSupport(4.1.2)
>>>> com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower(1.6.6)
>>>> Cycling 74 apparently produces Soundflower, I would suggest you uninstall 
>>>> Soundflower
>>>> Also uninstall any Ambrosia software you have installed.
>>>> Soundflower and AmbrosiaSW I think might have a conflict with each other. 
>>>> Both of them modify system audio. 
>>>> I would uninstall both and see.
>>>> If you don't have the Uninstaller for each, you might find you also need 
>>>> to delete 
>>>> com.AmbrosiaSW.AudioSupport(4.1.2)
>>>> com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower(1.6.6)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>> On 27/06/2013, at 3:30 PM, Reg Whitely <> wrote:
>>>>> A slight progress perhaps but I'm now in Terminal...
>>>>> I followed this advice given to the questioner on the attached weblink:
>>>>> "Update: From your log file, it would appear that your have a Kernel 
>>>>> Extension that is causing this issue. Either it has a permissions 
>>>>> problem, or is somehow causing this annoying issue.
>>>>> can you paste this line into Terminal, and post the results?
>>>>> kextstat -kl | awk ' !/apple/ { print $6 $7 } '
>>>>> and now I don't know how to interpret the Terminal message I get, 
>>>>> relating to AudioSupport and SoundFlower. Perhaps I should remove these 
>>>>> apps. Whare would I find their .kexts?
>>>>> Last login: Thu Jun 27 14:57:13 on console
>>>>> Regs-MacBook-Pro:~ Reg$ kextstat -kl | awk ' !/apple/ { print $6 $7 } '
>>>>> com.AmbrosiaSW.AudioSupport(4.1.2)
>>>>> com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower(1.6.6)
>>>>> Regs-MacBook-Pro:~ Reg$ 
>>>>> Reg (Getting in deeper) 
>>>>> On 27/06/2013, at 3:18 pm, Reg Whitely <> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes Ronni, indeed I repaired both. I'm looking at this now as the error 
>>>>>> message 
>>>>>> NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=kextcache Code=71 \"The operation 
>>>>>> couldn\U2019t be completed. (kextcache error 71.)\"";
>>>>>> Not sure about kext caches though. Looks scary
>>>>>> Reg
>>>>>> On 27/06/2013, at 3:12 pm, Ronda Brown <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Just quickly Reg,
>>>>>>> When booted into Recovery and opened Disk Utility-- Did you select your 
>>>>>>> hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side 
>>>>>>> list (not the volume)?
>>>>>>> Click on the 'Repair Disk button' on the lower right of the window. 
>>>>>>> See if this will repair the boot helper partition.
>>>>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>>>>> On 27/06/2013, at 2:41 PM, Reg Whitely <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks Ronni and Daniel (yet again). I have followed your advice (as 
>>>>>>>> below) Ronni and repaired permissions  and the disk. There didn't 
>>>>>>>> appear to be much wrong. Curiously when I senected the 10.8.4 disk to 
>>>>>>>> restart I got the message: "You can't change the startup disk to the 
>>>>>>>> selected disk. Building boot caches on boot helper partition failed." 
>>>>>>>> I needed to select the "shut down" option and then restart manually.
>>>>>>>> I then reinstalled the 10.8.4 combo package and got the same 'failed' 
>>>>>>>> message. I've opened the Console and saved the log, but really don't 
>>>>>>>> understand it. I'm not sure I should post it to the list either as 
>>>>>>>> it's long and complicated. I'll put a shortened version below.
>>>>>>>> Interestingly when I "Get Info" on my hard drive it tells me I can 
>>>>>>>> only read. I suspect that's not the problem as Elaine's iMac tells her 
>>>>>>>> that too and I installed the exact same combo update on it 
>>>>>>>> successfully yesterday (whilst mine was reinstalling Mountain Lion).
>>>>>>>> I may need to resort to Daniel's advice and backup, erase and 
>>>>>>>> reinstall again, however I'd like to cover all other options first.
>>>>>>>> The abbreviated log is:
>>>>>>>> Jun 27 14:15:02 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[313]: PackageKit: 
>>>>>>>> Install Failed: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=121 "An error 
>>>>>>>> occurred while updating system extension information." 
>>>>>>>> UserInfo=0x7fcc77752410 {NSUnderlyingError=0x7fcc77a93860 "The 
>>>>>>>> operation couldn’t be completed. (kextcache error 71.)", 
>>>>>>>> NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while updating system 
>>>>>>>> extension information., arguments=(
>>>>>>>>            "-update-volume",
>>>>>>>>            "/",
>>>>>>>>            "-Installer"
>>>>>>>>        )} {
>>>>>>>>            NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while updating 
>>>>>>>> system extension information.";
>>>>>>>>            NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=kextcache Code=71 \"The 
>>>>>>>> operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (kextcache error 71.)\"";
>>>>>>>>            arguments =     (
>>>>>>>>                "-update-volume",
>>>>>>>>                "/",
>>>>>>>>                "-Installer"
>>>>>>>>            );
>>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>> Jun 27 14:15:02 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local Installer[289]: 
>>>>>>>> install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=121 
>>>>>>>> "An error occurred while updating system extension information." 
>>>>>>>> UserInfo=0x7fb1468bdf40 {arguments=(
>>>>>>>>            "-update-volume",
>>>>>>>>            "/",
>>>>>>>>            "-Installer"
>>>>>>>>        ), NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while updating 
>>>>>>>> system extension information., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb146be9f00 "The 
>>>>>>>> operation couldn’t be completed. (kextcache error 71.)"}
>>>>>>>> Jun 27 14:15:03 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local Installer[289]: Install failed: 
>>>>>>>> The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to 
>>>>>>>> fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
>>>>>>>> Jun 27 14:15:03 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local Installer[289]: 
>>>>>>>> IFDInstallController 42A424A0 state = 7
>>>>>>>> Jun 27 14:15:03 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local Installer[289]: Displaying 
>>>>>>>> 'Install Failed' UI.
>>>>>>>> Jun 27 14:15:03 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local Installer[289]: 'Install 
>>>>>>>> Failed' UI displayed message:'The Installer encountered an error that 
>>>>>>>> caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for 
>>>>>>>> assistance.'.
>>>>>>>> Jun 27 14:15:25 Regs-MacBook-Pro.local installd[313]: installd: 
>>>>>>>> Exiting.
>>>>>>>> Does this make any sense?
>>>>>>>> Reg
>>>>>>>> (Thinking it must be 5 o'clock somewhere!)
>>>>>>>> On 27/06/2013, at 1:33 pm, Ronda Brown <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Open Disk Utility and Repair Permissions
>>>>>>>>> 2. Then boot into Recovery and 'Repair the Disk' with Disk Utility.
>>>>>>>>> Then, try to install the Combo Update.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>>>>>>> On 27/06/2013, at 11:48 AM, Reg Whitely <> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>>>>> I've just installed the 10.8.4 combo and again "still" receive the 
>>>>>>>>>> message "The installation failed. The installer encountered an error 
>>>>>>>>>> that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software 
>>>>>>>>>> manufacturer for assistance'".
>>>>>>>>>> When I restarted the computer 10.8.4 has indeed been installed. This 
>>>>>>>>>> was the problem I was trying to solve by reinstalling OS X. What is 
>>>>>>>>>> happening in the system to cause this, does anyone know?
>>>>>>>>>> Reg
>>>>>>>>>> On 27/06/2013, at 11:25 am, Reg Whitely <> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Daniel and Ronni
>>>>>>>>>>> As an update, I've followed your advice, made a bootable backup 
>>>>>>>>>>> using CCCloner, backed up to Time Machine, erased the SSD, 
>>>>>>>>>>> reinstalled OS X from Recovery via a net download, and then 
>>>>>>>>>>> restored apps and data from Time Machine. All seems Ok at this time.
>>>>>>>>>>> It wasn't quite as easy as that though, as after restarting with 
>>>>>>>>>>> Opt key, Disk Utility initially could not erase the disk as it 
>>>>>>>>>>> "could not dismount the disk", or words to that effect. Using 
>>>>>>>>>>> Techtools Pro last week, thinking it might fix the troubles I had 
>>>>>>>>>>> with the computer, it had installed an eDrive partition which 
>>>>>>>>>>> simply could not be deleted. Disk Utility could not repartition the 
>>>>>>>>>>> SSD as again it  "could not dismount the disk". Eventually I was 
>>>>>>>>>>> able to erase each of the separate partitions but the eDrive 
>>>>>>>>>>> partition remained, albeit I could rename it something else. I'm 
>>>>>>>>>>> not sure I wanted that to remain so I decided to use the iMac and 
>>>>>>>>>>> restarted the MacBook in Target Firewire mode. I used Disk utility 
>>>>>>>>>>> on the iMac to repartition the SSD back to one partition.
>>>>>>>>>>> Restarting the MacBook Pro with the Opt key down there was then no 
>>>>>>>>>>> Recovery Disk option (I guess I blew that away too) so the computer 
>>>>>>>>>>> prompted me to reinstall from the net, which I did.
>>>>>>>>>>> From there it was easy to reinstall the data from Time Machine.
>>>>>>>>>>> That entire process took around 6 hours, on and off. I was able to 
>>>>>>>>>>> go away and do other things as the Mountain Lion was dragged in 
>>>>>>>>>>> through the net!
>>>>>>>>>>> All a bit puzzling to me but as I said, all seems to be well but 
>>>>>>>>>>> time will tell - when the next OS X update is released perhaps. 
>>>>>>>>>>> *Ah yes I note the installed ML is 10.8.3 so there is a combo 
>>>>>>>>>>> update waiting in my downloads folder to deal with after I finish 
>>>>>>>>>>> this email, so I'll post an update when that has been installed!
>>>>>>>>>>> Daniel, as an aside, I have received a response from Alsoft re Disk 
>>>>>>>>>>> Warrior and SSDs. I'll post it separately on-list. Look out for it 
>>>>>>>>>>> as it may raise some eyebrows and discussion ;-)
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards and thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Reg
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Reg Whitely

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