Ronni posted this:


Apple has released an update for the Mail application in OS X 10.9
Mavericks to address some of the Gmail issues outlined by Joe Kissell
late last month (see “Mail in Mavericks Changes the Gmail
Equation,” 22 October 2013).

The 32.46 MB update, which can be downloaded from Apple’s Web site
or via Software Update, fixes several issues: the inability to delete,
move, and archive messages when using custom Gmail settings,
inaccurate unread mail counts, and additional — unspecified —
compatibility fixes.

It’s clear that Apple intended to make Mail in 10.9 Mavericks work
more intuitively with Google’s popular mail service, but the result
for many was a broken mess. It’ll take time before we know for sure
if Apple’s update solves the problems, but Gmail has never used a
standard IMAP implementation, so there will likely be other
incompatibilities in the future. Your best bet may be to use something
like Mailplane, which encapsulates the Gmail Web app into a native Mac
wrapper (to see why TidBITS Publisher Adam Engst likes Mailplane, see
“Zen and the Art of Gmail, Part 4: Mailplane,” 16 March 2011), or
to follow in the footsteps of Joe and leave Gmail for a more
standards-compliant email provider (see “Joe Kissell Says Sayonara
to Gmail,” 31 October 2013).""


----- Original Message -----
Sent:Tue, 12 Nov 2013 09:10:48 +0800
Subject:Current status of Mavericks

 Hi All,

 I have been away for a while, has the Mavericks/Mail situation
changed at all?



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