On 19/11/2013, at 4:50 PM, David Nicholas <david...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Hi Ronni
> I'm interested and confused by your reply to Alan.  Perhaps you have already 
> dealt with the issues I will raise, and if so I'm sorry I didn't read more 
> carefully before.
> After I read your reply to Alan I did a search and discovered that there are 
> new versions of 
> iPhoto - 9.5  I have 11 9.4.3
> iMovie - 10.0  I have 11 9.0.9
> GarageBand  Not currently using it
> Pages - 5.0  I have 09 4.3
> Numbers  Not currently using it
> Keynote - 6.0  I have 09 5.3
> In the blurb, Apple of course claim that the new Apps are so much better.  I 
> use iPhoto, iMovie and Pages a lot, and Keynote a little.  If I want to 
> continue using them, do I have to do something or can I just carry on and 
> resolutely refuse to download any associated Apps?
> Or, are the new Apps worth downloading for the "improved" experience?
> David

It is becoming increasingly widely acknowledged that the new iWork apps are not 
to be regarded as "upgrades" to their existing counterparts, and to anyone who 
has used the new versions this will be patently obvious. What we are seeing in 
the Mavericks versions is the first version of a more unified software platform 
which works exactly the same in Mac OS X as it does in iOS. Given the huge 
differences in the capabilities of the respective hardware platforms, this will 
be no mean feat! 

Apple have made it clear that over the next six months or so we will see a 
gradual return to iWork of the most sorely-missed features, but there will be 
full feature-parity on both platforms. We already have full file parity with 
the latest version, which was the whole point of the current "upgrade" first 
place. In the meantime, just continue to use iWork '09 for all your heavy 

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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