Hello Maureen
I would love to finally get to a meeting but at present I am living
Tasmania but I am coming west in June so I will get to a couple of meetings
Regards Bill & Juliet

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 1:13 AM, Michael Hawkins <
michael.hawk...@mjhawkins.com.au> wrote:

> Hello Maureen,
> As much as I'd like to attend, due to a commitment I have to coach a
> sporting group on Tuesday evenings the earliest I can get to the meeting is
> 8pm. I tried to attend last night but through Daniel found out that my
> attendance wouldn't push numbers over the quorum. WAMUG membership has been
> a huge benefit to me over the years and I am an ardent disciple, but it
> seems that my acolytes have been remiss in ensuring that the Mac users did
> not get to readyour Shakesperean efforts.
> I apologise but am unlikely to be there next week.
> Kind regards,
> Michael Hawkins
> On 5 Mar 2014, at 9:48 pm, Maureen Smith <topsm...@internode.on.net>
> wrote:
> Hello fellow WAMUGgers,
> As Shakespeare's Henry V so nobly declared,  "Once more unto the breach,
> dear friends, one more."
> This was the battle cry heard as the committee members left the WAMUG
> Meeting last night. Okay, so I might be exaggerating a tinsy bit but it was
> a little similar to how we felt. With insufficient numbers for the
> required quorum at last night's meeting (twenty per cent of the Ordinary
> Members on the Register or fifteen Ordinary Members whichever is less) the
> AGM had to  be adjourned until next week, same time, same place.
> We did continue with the Q & A session, two presentations and the amazing
> raffle prizes.  The AGM will now take place next week, same place, a same
> time. (more details to follow)
> According to our Constitution, at that meeting the business i.e election
> of committee & office bearers, the treasurer's report, etc, can take place.
> This means it will be a shorter meeting then usual as there will be no
> presentations or discussions. It would be great to see us at least make a
> quorum so the committee is asking you to make special effort and attend if
> at all possible.
> "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!"
> Opps! Read that as "We few, we happy few, we committee" are all willing to
> commit for another year but we do need *more support.* We have some great
> ideas for improving the services of WAMUG but lack the time to do it all
> ourselves, and keep a balanced life. New committee members result in new
> ideas, fresh approaches and different outlooks, and that is what will keep
> WAMUG vital and ongoing. Please, spend some time over the next few days and
> consider becoming a committee member.
> As I said in my previous email, even a 12month commitment can make a big
> difference. If you cannot attend next week's meeting please consider
> emailing a committee member and letting us know if you are interested in
> joining this "happy few".
>  The addresses of the current members are: -
> Peter Hinchcliffe -hinch...@multiline.com.au
> Peter Botham - pe...@civiltech.com.au
> Peter Smith - smudd...@internode.on.net
> Bernard Barnwell - barnw...@iinet.net.au
> Daniel Kerr - wa...@macwizardry.com.au
> Henry VMaureen Smith - topsm...@internode.on.net
> To end my plea I again misquote the bard,
>  "..... yet all shall be forgot,
> But WAMUGgers remember with advantage
> What feats their committee did that year."
> Cheers,
> Maureen Smith
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