Hello Nathalie,

Thanks for your thoughts and the time taken to respond.  As a committee we have 
been acutely aware of the difficulties associated with synchronous meetings and 
what you have said would certainly ring true for some of our members. We 
definitely have a strong online arm of WAMUG ,i.e. the List, and I know that 
committee has discussed, on a number of occasions, ways of expanding and 
improving our online services. 

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how indiviuals see it, since WAMUG 
is an incorporated organisation we are subject to certain legalities, rules and 
regulations. Among them, is the requirement to have office bearers, a committee 
and an AGM regardless of whether we have physical meetings, chatrooms, Skype 
each other, or just use the List.  That was the reason for e-mail to the List 
and the plea for more committee members.

Once again, thank you for your comments, your interest and your support. It is 


Maureen Smith

On 6 Mar 2014, at 5:59 am, Nathalie S. Collins <nathaliescoll...@gmail.com> 

> Hi All:
> I love Shakespeare, so this post really engaged me. I attended one of last 
> year’s meetings and made an effort to go to show my appreciation for the work 
> the committee does in maintaining the list.
> I commented the following to the in-person group then, but would like to 
> present my POV to the wider group on this subject.
> Synchronous meet-ups are problematic, and getting to be more so when so much 
> value can be delivered in an asynchronous way. On one hand it is about other 
> commitments; on the other it is about giving people a reason to meet up in 
> person by delivering something they want but cannot get on the list. I asked 
> the group to articulate what they thought the value of the meet-ups would be, 
> and they said things like comaraderie, learning, support and so on. 
> I went home and thought about it, and realised I get all of those things from 
> the list itself. People on this list have supported me in times of dire need 
> (Hello Ronni!) without us being in the same country, much less in the same 
> town or space.
> I am guessing that for some of us meeting in person is something we do when 
> there is a compelling reason to. Although some of the items on the meeting 
> list will be very important to some people, none resonate with what I happen 
> to be doing on my Mac.
> However, if there were specific jobs that people in the WAMUG community can 
> take on in an synchronous way to make the list and online community better, I 
> believe that there would be support from all the locations that people hail 
> from on this list. The appeal of a more traditional support structure (office 
> bearers, in person meet ups) is something that doesn’t have as much value to 
> me in terms of time spent as much as being able to toil away in the wee hours 
> of the morning (or night) knowing that my efforts are supporting the group, 
> and the people who do want to meet up, as a whole.
> Regards,
> Nathalie
> - - - - - - - -
> Nathalie S. Collins
> Tel/text: 0417 389 962
> Skype: mrscollins
> Find out more about Nathalie:
> Nat for hire: http://www.picoandwestwood.com
> Nat the researcher: http://www.theinfinitegame.org
> Nat the adjunct: 
> http://www.ecu.edu.au/faculties/business-and-law/staff/profiles/adjuncts/mrs-nathalie-collins
> On 5 Mar 2014, at 9:48 pm, Maureen Smith <topsm...@internode.on.net> wrote:
>> Hello fellow WAMUGgers,
>> As Shakespeare’s Henry V so nobly declared,  “Once more unto the breach, 
>> dear friends, one more.” 
>> This was the battle cry heard as the committee members left the WAMUG 
>> Meeting last night. Okay, so I might be exaggerating a tinsy bit but it was 
>> a little similar to how we felt. With insufficient numbers for the required 
>> quorum at last night’s meeting (twenty per cent of the Ordinary Members on 
>> the Register or fifteen Ordinary Members whichever is less) the AGM had to  
>> be adjourned until next week, same time, same place.  
>> We did continue with the Q & A session, two presentations and the amazing 
>> raffle prizes.  The AGM will now take place next week, same place, a same 
>> time. (more details to follow) 
>> According to our Constitution, at that meeting the business i.e election of 
>> committee & office bearers, the treasurer’s report, etc, can take place. 
>> This means it will be a shorter meeting then usual as there will be no 
>> presentations or discussions. It would be great to see us at least make a 
>> quorum so the committee is asking you to make special effort and attend if 
>> at all possible.  
>> “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!” 
>> Opps! Read that as “We few, we happy few, we committee” are all willing to 
>> commit for another year but we do need more support. We have some great 
>> ideas for improving the services of WAMUG but lack the time to do it all 
>> ourselves, and keep a balanced life. New committee members result in new 
>> ideas, fresh approaches and different outlooks, and that is what will keep 
>> WAMUG vital and ongoing. Please, spend some time over the next few days and 
>> consider becoming a committee member. 
>> As I said in my previous email, even a 12month commitment can make a big 
>> difference. If you cannot attend next week’s meeting please consider 
>> emailing a committee member and letting us know if you are interested in 
>> joining this "happy few”.
>>  The addresses of the current members are: -  
>> Peter Hinchcliffe –hinch...@multiline.com.au
>> Peter Botham - pe...@civiltech.com.au
>> Peter Smith – smudd...@internode.on.net   
>> Bernard Barnwell – barnw...@iinet.net.au
>> Daniel Kerr - wa...@macwizardry.com.au
>> Henry VMaureen Smith – topsm...@internode.on.net
>> To end my plea I again misquote the bard,
>>  “….. yet all shall be forgot,
>> But WAMUGgers remember with advantage
>> What feats their committee did that year.”
>> Cheers,
>> Maureen Smith
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