I tried to buy myself a Jawbone from the Apple Store but my ID was rejected.

Our Apple ID was set up in both our names using our main email address with 
Password A by Daniel, who explained the advantages of having a single ID.

When I upgraded my iPad to iOS 7 I ticked a wrong box and had to change the 
password to Password B. This password was working yesterday when Graham updated 
his iPhone.

At some stage Graham set up a separate ID using his name and his personal email 
address, I can't remember why this was necessary or whether he set is up by 
mistake (we are both approaching 80 so senior moments are frequent).

When I put my user name in this morning I forgot to put both our names, I knew 
Password B was working yesterday, I was very careful entering it and later 
typed it on a 'sticky' and pasted it in, still rejected.

I used the 'forgot user name' route. The email went to my secondary email 
address which I have only ever used for family history mailing lists and my 
user name was in a form I don't use but is what is on my credit card.

I went and looked at Graham's file where he has all our IDs and tried again 
with both our names, still rejected.

I want to retain our shared ID but I am afraid I shall muck it up. I am still 
recovering from a recent bereavement (road accident) and my concentration span 
is verging on the negative.

Please can someone tell me where to find a simple explanation of the various 
Apple IDs - Apple Store, iTunes etc? 

Also how did I manage to get this separate account? I remember once being asked 
to provide a back-up email address but I think that was Yahoo or Google and I 
would have provided my main address.

Best wishes to all from Diana
MacBook Pro
OS 10.8.5
2 GHz Intel Core i7
8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
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