Hello fellow WAMUGgers,

Here is this month’s update in most things WAMUG.

August Meeting

There will be a change of venue for our next meeting. This is because our 
normal meeting venue will be unavailable during August. The meeting, on Tuesday 
5 August, will be held at Collier Village, 11 Morrison Road Como. Closer to the 
event, we will give more specific details on the location as the village is a 
large complex.

At this meeting there will be a demonstration of the new LaCie Fuel Wireless 

This is a drive that allows you to 
Expand your iPad capacity without cables 
Share files with 5 devices at once
Play media on devices via mobile app
Stream to Apple TV and AirPlay devices
It is portable and very light which makes it a great asset for travellers. No 
need to worry about running out of storage for those holiday snaps or how to 
keep the ankle biters amused while you check on your WAMUG emails.

We will also be looking at an iPhone Bluetooth handset that allows you to talk 
while checking your iPhone calendar, maps, etc, as well as ensuring your iPhone 
does not get lost under the paperwork on your desk.

In the software department there will be a demonstration of SheepShaver. No, 
this has nothing to do with shearing sheep! It is software designed to emulate 
older Mac operating systems. So, if you have a program that you can no longer 
use because of advances in Apple’s operating systems, this may be the answer 

Finally we will be looking at how to make the best of your iBook app on your 
iPhone or iPad.

WAMUG 30th Celebration.

If you are intending to come remember, confirmation and payment need to be made 
by Wednesday August 6th. Payment can be made by electronic transfer, cheque or 
you can pay when you attend August’s meeting. 

Electronic Transfer
NAME:  Western Australian Macintosh Users Group
BSB:     306-075
A/C:     4197787

Please place your name and number of tickets you require in the reference area.

Please make your cheque payable to the “Western Australian Macintosh Users 
Group" and post to; 

WAMUG Treasurer
C/- PO Box 1204

Any questions, feel free to email them to the list.

Cheers everyone and keep dry,


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