You are booted off the SL installation disk?

Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 28 Jul 2014, at 6:18 pm, Jon Davison <> wrote:
> Affirmative, nothing attached Ronnie.
>> On 28/07/2014, at 6:06 PM, Jon Davison <> wrote:
>> What is visible on the left is; 1 TB ST31000528AS Media
>>              Indented is: JONS IMAC HOME
>>                                      Superdrive
>>                                      Mac OS X install DVD
>> Jon's iMac can be erased but not the 1TB.
>> Sorry but this is where I have got to so far.
>> Kind regards
>> Jon
>>> On 28/07/2014, at 5:36 PM, Ronni Brown <> wrote:
>> John W Davison
>> Photographer/Art Director
>> Eye in the Sky Productions
>> 'The Corner Studio'
>> The Tresillian Centre
>> 21 Tyrell St
>> Nedlands
>> Western Australia
>> m: 0403 235938
>> e:
>> Facebook: jondcameraman
>> w:
>> w:
>> Member: ISAP 
>> (International Society for Aviation Photographers)
> John W Davison
> Photographer/Art Director
> Eye in the Sky Productions
> 'The Corner Studio'
> The Tresillian Centre
> 21 Tyrell St
> Nedlands
> Western Australia
> m: 0403 235938
> e:
> Facebook: jondcameraman
> w:
> w:
> Member: ISAP 
> (International Society for Aviation Photographers)
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