Another item has appeared.  
Links on Crikey do not work.  They come up as an   x-webdoc://     format which 
is not recognisable.   I have asked Crikey to comment
Severin Crisp

> On 23 Nov 2015, at 12:09 PM, Philippe Chaperon <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I too am missing the ‘magic wheel’ and the drop-down options in Mail. 
> Hopefully Apple will bring it back in its usual place.  
> Slightly off-topic but still on the retrograde changes in El Capitan, I have 
> noticed that the Dictionary which used to have a variety of languages 
> available now seem locked to the OS chosen language, ie English in my case. 
> Under Yosemite I was able to have English, French, Spanish and other 
> languages although the main OS is in English.
> Have I possibly missed a setting somewhere? 
> Many thanks and have a wonderful day, 
> Philippe Chaperon
> On 23 Nov 2015, at 7:30 am, Peter Hinchliffe <> 
> wrote:
>> On 20 Nov 2015, at 5:51 PM, Severin Crisp <> wrote:
>> The list of all my mailboxes are showing but the little magic wheel at the 
>> bottom with drop down options is not there.  
>> Severin 
> Yes, it has disappeared. I miss it as well. Along with has gone the permanent 
> activity panel. It still makes appearance periodically during sending and 
> receiving events, but remains hiddne for the rest of the time. We now have to 
> use the Mailbox menu for those functions we found in the Gear icon, and use 
> the (now ancient) Window > Activity window to see a permanent display of 
> send/receive activity.
> Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
> FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
> Perth, Western Australia
> Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.
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