Hi Peter,

If you don¹t find a method/script to do what you want, there are certainly
scripts that will remove the duplicate tracks.
See <https://www.google.com.au/search?q=itunes+scripts+duplicate+tracks>

Whilst I haven¹t had to do this myself, I have used several of Doug¹s
AppleScripts for iTunes with good results ­ he has been doing this for

If you look through his 457 and counting AppleScripts you might even find a
script that checks for lost links.



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 17/12/15 20:06, Peter Crisp at petercr...@westnet.com.au wrote:

> Hi Ronni, thanks for the response. I have my Music library on a 2TB external
> drive and the iTunes library has been mapped to that path since configuration
> days. ³Keep iTunes Media folder organised² is selected too as is ³Copy files
> to iTunes Media folder when adding².
> The problem is that I don¹t know which files in my Music folder are not mapped
> in iTunes. 
> I find by accident when playing something that it ³can¹t be found² message.
> Is there a way of doing a verification pass by iTunes through the entire Music
> folder of ALL applicable files (video/music/podcast/etc) in the ³Music" folder
> are mapped? I could do an ³Add to library² of the Music folder again, but that
> would do a huge amount of duplication for those already mapped, but it would
> pick up those files not mapped in the process. Is there a script somewhere
> that can do a check for this Œbroken link¹ for all files in the Music folder
> that you know of?
> Regards
> Pete.
>> On 17 Dec 2015, at 5:13 PM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> On 16 Dec 2015, at 7:28 PM, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>> Hi, I have a 200+GB music library and this afternoon I was playing some of
>>> it using the great ³Up Next² feature and when I added one song as the next
>>> song, iTunes playback stopped when it got to that song and couldn¹t find the
>>> track to play back. On further inspection, there were quite a few songs with
>>> the ³!² alongside indicating iTunes couldn¹t locate the file. When I traced
>>> a particular example of this, I found the folder in Finder. It was in a
>>> folder called "Fleetwood Mac-1². It was obviously a folder which iTunes had
>>> relabelled during a previous operation perhaps years ago so I am probably
>>> the cause of this all. Sitting beneath ³Fleetwood Mac-1² were  6 albums
>>> which upon further checking a number of songs in there were also not mapped
>>> in iTunes properly. I did a ³Add to Library² at the ³Fleetwood Mac-1² level
>>> hence capturing everything subordinate to that folder address. In the
>>> process I probably caused some duplicates of some songs - but I am ok with
>>> that.
>>> In any case, is there a way to do a full reverse looking of everything in my
>>> ³Music² root folder to see that every file has a linkage to a file that
>>> iTunes thinks exists? A forward looking check may not necessarily ensure
>>> every iTunes record has a file it is mapped to.
>>> Not sure if I made that clear but I hope someone can assimilate with the
>>> issue I¹ve got here.
>> I¹m not sure I can assimilate with you issue Peter :(
>> When you add media to your iTunes library, iTunes files it in the proper
>> subfolder within the iTunes Media folder.
>> And, as long as you¹ve checked the ³Keep iTunes Media folder organized² box
>> in the iTunes Advanced preferences, ³Copy files to iTunes Media folder when
>> adding to library² the content remains properly filed, even if you change its
>> tags in iTunes.
>> You may notice exclamation point to the left of items in your iTunes library,
>> or they may not appear at all. Exclamation points appear when iTunes is
>> unable to locate the media file or when a purchased item hasn't downloaded.
>> It seems like you are concerned with locating the media file - not a file
>> that hasn¹t downloaded.
>> 1. Open Finder.
>> 2. Go to Music > iTunes > iTunes Media > Music
>> 3. The contents of the Music folder will be listed in alphabetical order.
>>      And the files will be sorted by artist.
>> If you find any of your missing items, you can add them to your iTunes
>> library.
>> 4. If you couldn't find your lost media in the iTunes Media folder, check
>> your preferences in iTunes to see if your media is in another location.
>> <https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204668>
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> Thanks.
>>> Pete
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> Peter Crisp
> petercr...@westnet.com.au

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