All fixed now!  
See signature below!

             Assoc Prof R Severin Crisp, FAIP, FIP, CPhys
15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia
                  ph (08) 9842 1950 ( Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
                           mail to: 

> On 7 Feb 2016, at 5:33 PM, Bill Parker <> wrote:
> One of my wife’s friends had the habit of sticking bank notes in books and 
> forgetting where.   When she moved to the east, her little library turned out 
> to be worth a tidy sum
> Bill
>> On 7 Feb 2016, at 16:53, Ronda Brown < <>> 
>> wrote:
>> hehe hee :-))  I also keep notes and records... but normally can't find them 
>> when I need to! My excuse is 'my filing system is hopeless'!
>> I had a good chuckle reading your father's "emergency cash in a book" 
>> episode! It was a really great idea with the location; to put the cash in a 
>> book in the library... There was only one flaw in the great idea... :(
>> ---
>> Email yourself the signatures to MBA copy and paste it into the signature 
>> settings.
>> Always a pleasure to help you.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>> On 7 Feb 2016, at 4:05 PM, Severin Crisp < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Yes, Professors DO keep notes and records, but as they get old and doddery 
>>> they forget where they saved them!   Like my Father, a medico rather than a 
>>> professor and anything but doddery, in the 1940s when a Japanese invasion 
>>> seemed likely he put a significant amount of emergency cash into a book in 
>>> our library which was very extensive - yes, after the excitement had passed 
>>> he forgot which book!  
>>> I had myself already tried your solution below with a similar result.  
>>> I will now take the easy way out and:-
>>>     1. Empty the signatures folder on the MBAir
>>>     2. Take text copies of the needed signatures from “Sent” emails on the 
>>> iMac
>>>     3. As if adding new signatures, paste in the copies on the MacAir
>>> That should fix it!  it may even be how I did it before!
>>> Thanks for bearing with me
>>> Severin
>>>> On 7 Feb 2016, at 9:47 AM, Ronni Brown < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Severin,
>>>> Going back to your original post to WAMUG mailing list.
>>>> /quote
>>>> "I know I brought the signatures across from the iMac when first setting 
>>>> up the Air but have no recollection how I did it!”
>>>> /end quote
>>>> Don’t Professors keep notes ;-)
>>>> I don’t know how you transferred all your Data over from the iMac to the 
>>>> MacBook Air, but I’m assuming that when you transferred Mail you also 
>>>> transferred Keychain Data across.
>>>> Ok - On the iMac is Mail working all correctly and the signatures are 
>>>> attached to their correct accounts?
>>>> On the MacBook Air Mail accounts are now all working correctly but 
>>>> signatures are not showing?
>>>> If this is so, I would suggest you try:
>>>> On the iMac and MacBook Air 
>>>> 1.  Make sure Mail is QUIT
>>>> 2. Turn OFF Time Machine
>>>> 3. Then copy the 'Signatures Folder' located at  
>>>> ~/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Signatures Folder
>>>> from the iMac 
>>>> 4. Then place the Signatures folder in the same location  
>>>> ~/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Signatures Folder
>>>> on the MacBook Air (replacing the original Signatures folder) 
>>>> 5.Then launch Mail on the MacBook Air
>>>> Provided that you have the same accounts set up on the MacBook Air as you 
>>>> do on the iMac, your signatures should be attached to their correct 
>>>> accounts.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>>> On 6 Feb 2016, at 9:30 PM, Severin Crisp < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, they are all there
>>>>>> On 6 Feb 2016, at 6:11 PM, Ronni Brown < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> But are any Signatures in the Signatures Folder located at
>>>>>> ~/Library/Mail/V3//MailData/Signatures Folder ?
>>>>>> There should be many files in that Signature Folder - similar to these:
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 661CF5F7-82D5-4525-8FD2-6C9D9A556A50.mailsignature
>>>>>> 661CF5F7-82D5-4525-8FD2-6C9D9A556A50.webarchive
>>>>>> 662D600C-ADCC-4EE6-B53B-D4F5BCB99E9A.mailsignature
>>>>>> 662D600C-ADCC-4EE6-B53B-D4F5BCB99E9A.webarchive
>>>>>> 92164E81-10BA-40B2-AE4B-23327320A7B1.mailsignature
>>>>>> 92164E81-10BA-40B2-AE4B-23327320A7B1.webarchive
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> AccountsMap.plist
>>>>>> AllSignatures.plist
>>>>>> ——
>>>>>> If there aren’t any of files there - you don’t have any signatures - and 
>>>>>> will need to setup new signatures and then Assign each new signature to 
>>>>>> one account, or to multiple accounts and configure their behaviour, as I 
>>>>>> explained in my previous reply to WAMUG.
>>>>>> If you require details how to setup new signatures, post back & I’ll 
>>>>>> give you details.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>> On 6 Feb 2016, at 5:15 PM, Severin Crisp < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> No I am not seeing any signatures at all in the Prefs window.   The 
>>>>>>> item Signatures even says “0 signatures” in the Signatures window and 
>>>>>>> the second and third windows are blank.  
>>>>>>> Accounts Map.plist, AllSignatures.plist and SignaturesByAccout.plist 
>>>>>>> are all showing.
>>>>>>> Severin
>>>>>>>>> On 5 Feb 2016, at 5:35 PM, Severin Crisp < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> By an unfortunate error, I alone am to blame!, the signatures file on 
>>>>>>>>> my MacBook Air Mail is empty.     
>>>>>>>>> It mirrored the file in my iMac, both running latest el Capitan.  
>>>>>>>>> Restoring the Signatures file (in  ~sev/library/mail/V3/maildata  
>>>>>>>>> from TimeMachine  works fine but still no signatures.  
>>>>>>>>> I know I brought the signatures across from the iMac when first 
>>>>>>>>> setting up the Air but have no recollection how I did it!
>>>>>>>>> Advice welcomed - it’s too hot for these traumas, my local Albany 
>>>>>>>>> garden temperature topped an unusual 30C today - what is it all 
>>>>>>>>> coming to!  
>>>>>>>>> Severin Crisp
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