Michael my recollection from the last month, was that prior to me making a 
decision to use iCloud to sync my Photos, that I used iTunes, which I 
understand is the default, or at least was the only option for many years. 

This worked fine, but for the reasons I have already stated, I chose to use 
iCloud for Photos, and in fact, for the full suite of its capacity - Keychain, 
Find my iPhone, Contacts, Calendar etc.    Now the ‘stuck’ issue has been 
resolved, it works fine for me, and as I said, my recollection is that using 
anything to sync is optional - iTunes still works across the home network and 
for years did this without fuss and no use of external data.   Yes, I do live 
and function within constant access to 4G coverage and cable broadband. I also 
travel remotely and prepare myself for the inevitable loss of connectivity by 
ensuring I have local copies of data I may need.  I understand not everyone is 
as privileged as I am. Sadly, I cannot resolve this, but I do believe Apple 
accommodates by giving syncing options that are quite reasonable. 

I’m not sure Apple is forcing anyone to do anything - choosing iTunes, or 
iCloud, or nothing to sync photos or other choices is the user choice.  If you 
have found iCloud syncing is turned on by default, I would be surprised as I 
found I needed to sign into iCloud for all this to work, and during that sign 
in process, there are options I had to tick, or untick to select my options.    

I’ve never found anything I have loaded to my Apple servers being used for 
commercial gain “that I know about”.  I find it amusing that many people, not 
saying you’re in this group Michael, use a free platform such as Facebook for 
an enormous amount of personal data. It’s all free, zilch, no cost, same as 
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc etc and then there is an outcry when these 
companies need to make money to continue to provide this free platform. They 
get money from advertising that tracks our usage and viewing habits and targets 
advertising to ’suit’ us.  I’m sure Google Maps, or TomTom sell data  to 
transport planners that they collect as we use route directions on connected 
GPS devices. Is this not the same thing as using our information for commercial 

My recollection of the Census fiasco was that no data was lost nor corrupted. 
There were connection issues that we all experienced, but there was no data 
loss nor hacking. 

I am sorry you are frustrated Michael, but this is drifting well away from my 
original query about the technical aspects of me using iCloud. As I see it, you 
DO have choices and iCloud is not set by default. There are many things to get 
frustrated about in the world, there appears to be no reason to make this one 
more of them. 

Best wishes for the New Year. 


> On 1 Jan 2017, at 10:40 AM, Michael Hawkins 
> <michael.hawk...@mjhawkins.com.au> wrote:
> Thanks Tim. What underpinned my email was my frustration with what I see as 
> Apple's  less than open tactic of making uploading to iCloud the default 
> setting when iOS updates are released. I don't know what the privacy laws are 
> in whichever Country the server is housed, and the debacle with the 
> Australian census last year illustrates that no system is safe from database 
> corruption.
> If someone has more than one Apple device and wants to share content between 
> the devices or make it possible for one device to access another, it should 
> be that person's decision to set the system up so that that can be done.
> We don't all live in a location with ready Internet access, or quick upload 
> and download speeds. Nor do we all live in a place where access to the 
> Internet is cheap.
> In other words the decision to transmit data over the internet should be a 
> conscious deliberate decision made by the person who owns the data, and 
> causing the data to be uploaded by default for commercial gain is 
> reprehensible.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 1 Jan 2017, at 10:14 am, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>> Fair question Michael,
>> The advantage of iCloud syncing as I see it, is that you can have one 
>> ‘master’ computer where you download and store the originals photos, AS WELL 
>> AS storing the full sized versions on the cloud. This enables Time Machine 
>> and Super Duper to back up the photos if iCloud flies away into dark matter. 
>>  I’ve lost many photos before due to hard disk failure and don’t want to go 
>> through that again. 
>> The other advantage is that it only downloads smaller images to all the 
>> other devices, sized to suit that device. The entire photo library is on 
>> each of these devices, all 15000, not like using Photo Stream which only put 
>> 1000 photos on the mobile devices.   I am not likely to NEED to view all 
>> those on the other devices, but inevitably when I wanted to show someone a 
>> photo from a year before for example, when using Photo Stream, and iTunes 
>> sync, it was not in either folder. 
>> I did try to do what you suggest, but the MacBook Pro did not have enough 
>> storage capacity for the full Photos Library, and there was really no need 
>> to have more than one computer with full sized images. If you need to edit 
>> or print the full sized images, they are downloaded from iCloud as needed to 
>> the specific device. 
>> I trust this explains my logic.
>> I have stopped taking photos in RAW which complicates matters somewhat when 
>> sharing via iCloud. What I have found is that a photo that has both JPEG and 
>> RAW version is impossible to select between in iOS devices. So if I want to 
>> attach a photo to an email, it must be in JPEG not RAW, and several times I 
>> have done it, only the RAW version - at some 20mb - is able to be attached. 
>> I’m now taking full sized JPEG instead and these run to around 8mb per 
>> image, and the size is managed by Mail when sending. I am not sure if there 
>> is a way around the way iCloud manages RAW image syncing to iOS devices - 
>> happy to hear suggestions. 
>> Regards
>> Tim
>>> On 31 Dec 2016, at 8:45 PM, Michael Hawkins 
>>> <michael.hawk...@mjhawkins.com.au> wrote:
>>> Pardon me for asking this, but wouldn't have been faster and simpler to 
>>> physically connect one computer to the other?
>>> Michael
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 31 Dec 2016, at 1:07 pm, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Update.  For the benefit of anyone else having similar problems with 
>>>> iCloud syncing ‘stuck’.
>>>> I now have a reasonable degree of confidence that Photos has been sorted 
>>>> and will now correctly sync with iCloud over four devices. 
>>>> This has not been the easy process I had expected.   I discovered that 
>>>> creating a new library I could keep the original library and not risk 
>>>> losing data. Only one library can be the ‘system library’ and sync with 
>>>> iCloud. 
>>>> I have one computer that is ticked to download originals and that computer 
>>>> is now showing ‘all up to date’ in Photos. Yay.
>>>> My mobile devices have always synced well with iCloud and update any 
>>>> changes immediately.
>>>> My laptop had been refusing to sync correctly with iCloud and was stuck 
>>>> for a week. After signing out of iCloud, restarting the computer in Safe 
>>>> Mode, then restarting again in normal mode, rebuilding the Photo Library 
>>>> with no change,  I ended up creating a new Library, then turned iCloud 
>>>> syncing back on and it is currently downloading the contents of my iCloud 
>>>> photo gallery, some 50Gb, so will take a while.   
>>>> I lost track of how many times I found  Photos trying to upload the entire 
>>>> 15000 photos to iCloud, at least five,  and am grateful to have a 1000Gb 
>>>> plan with Bigpond on cable so had the capacity for such nonsense. 
>>>> I expect my problems are now on the way to being resolved. Looking forward 
>>>> to happy Photos syncing in the New Year.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Tim
>>>>> On 23 Dec 2016, at 7:28 PM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> EEEk,,,   :-(
>>>>> Restarted Mac Mini.
>>>>> This got the upload moving again - yay. 
>>>>> "uploading 100 to go"
>>>>> "50 to go" looking good.
>>>>> "uploading 1 item"
>>>>> Success I’m thinking.
>>>>> Suddenly it is uploading 15,827 items - AGAIN!
>>>>> Sigh …..
>>>>> I’ve quit Photos and will see what mood it is in tomorrow. 
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 23 Dec 2016, at 6:35 PM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>> Good evening,
>>>>>> I am hoping to find out how to reset the sync data to force one computer 
>>>>>> to reset the sync data for loading Photos to iCloud
>>>>>> Two weeks, or more, ago, I turned on iCloud storage for Photos on four 
>>>>>> devices. 
>>>>>> All are logged into the same iCloud account, although some are @me.com 
>>>>>> and some are @mac.com email address names. I understand this is 
>>>>>> insignificant. I have checked at https://appleid.apple.com/ and found 
>>>>>> all four devices are logged into the same Apple ID
>>>>>> Mac Mini - 10.11.6  Cannot be upgraded to Sierra
>>>>>> Mac Book Pro   macOS 10.12.1
>>>>>> iPhone 6S    iOS 10.1.1
>>>>>> iPad Air 2  iOS 10.1.1
>>>>>> In order to keep a current back-up, I have turned on ‘Download originals 
>>>>>> to this Mac’ on the Mac Mini which is my ‘main’ computer. Data is backed 
>>>>>> up using Time Machine and Super Duper.
>>>>>> All the mobile devices have the same number of photos and videos as each 
>>>>>> other and as is https://www.icloud.com/#photos2  which is 15,003
>>>>>> The Mac Mini registers it should have 14752.
>>>>>> The Mac Mini is Stuck at uploading an extra 1878 photos and has been for 
>>>>>> over 24 hours. This is the second time this has happened and it has 
>>>>>> taken a week to upload the 55Gb of data a second time. Photo’s triggered 
>>>>>> itself into a reload of all photos after I turned off iCloud Photo 
>>>>>> Library in an effort to get the devices correctly syncing. 
>>>>>> When I delete, or add, a photo to any of the mobile devices, it is 
>>>>>> shared to the other mobile devices quickly. 
>>>>>> Photos on the Mac Mini has kept several photos that have been deleted 
>>>>>> for days on the other devices. 
>>>>>> During the week I can see the CPU working hard on iCloud or Photos, then 
>>>>>> I see the upload loading to iCloud. It varies between activity on both, 
>>>>>> but once ‘stuck’ on 1878 to go, there is no activity showing. 
>>>>>> I have tried the Pause for One Day button in Photos but nothing forces 
>>>>>> the reset and correction as I thought it would.
>>>>>> I think I need to find a file that contains the sync data and remove it 
>>>>>> as I suspect it has got corrupted somehow. 
>>>>>> Is there such a file and are my ideas sensible or is there another 
>>>>>> option. 
>>>>>> I’ve been patient for two or more weeks with Photos and iCloud - like 
>>>>>> the forums suggest - now is the time for a hammer!!  kidding
>>>>>> Ideas welcome.
>>>>>> What about turning off iCloud Photo Library, deleting all the photos in 
>>>>>> the Mac Mini library….. eeeek….. and then turning it back on again so 
>>>>>> all the 55Gb will download. That sounds scary.
>>>>>> Cheers
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