And if you tick the "off" box a warning appears on the screen to the effect 
that if iCloud is turned off, all data will be removed from the computer.

If that's not being held to ransom, I don't what is



Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 Jan 2017, at 2:23 pm, Michael Hawkins <> 
> wrote:
> All I know is that If you don't want anything to go to iCloud Drive, you have 
> to make sure that the "On" box is not ticked.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2 Jan 2017, at 2:06 pm, Tim Law <> wrote:
>> Bill,
>> I don't agree that iCloud is only useful for finding a lost phone.
>> I didn't seek advise on iCloud security nor what my personal choices of how 
>> the technology suits my lifestyle should be.
>> The purpose for my initial request for guidance and support on a technical 
>> matter has been resolved.
>> Tim
>> Sent from Tim's Retina iPad 2
>>> On 2 Jan 2017, at 1:43 pm, Bill Parker <> wrote:
>>> Time,
>>> I don’t think its necessary to be forced by Apple to do anything.  I use 
>>> Bing to search and unless I clear all sites after doing so I notice ads 
>>> popping up for service I was previously searching for. Kill off Cookies!  
>>> iCloud?  Extremely useful for finding a lost phone, but not much else.
>>> Bill
>>>> On 2 Jan 2017, at 12:05, Tim Law <> wrote:
>>>> Michael my recollection from the last month, was that prior to me making a 
>>>> decision to use iCloud to sync my Photos, that I used iTunes, which I 
>>>> understand is the default, or at least was the only option for many years. 
>>>> This worked fine, but for the reasons I have already stated, I chose to 
>>>> use iCloud for Photos, and in fact, for the full suite of its capacity - 
>>>> Keychain, Find my iPhone, Contacts, Calendar etc.    Now the ‘stuck’ issue 
>>>> has been resolved, it works fine for me, and as I said, my recollection is 
>>>> that using anything to sync is optional - iTunes still works across the 
>>>> home network and for years did this without fuss and no use of external 
>>>> data.   Yes, I do live and function within constant access to 4G coverage 
>>>> and cable broadband. I also travel remotely and prepare myself for the 
>>>> inevitable loss of connectivity by ensuring I have local copies of data I 
>>>> may need.  I understand not everyone is as privileged as I am. Sadly, I 
>>>> cannot resolve this, but I do believe Apple accommodates by giving syncing 
>>>> options that are quite reasonable. 
>>>> I’m not sure Apple is forcing anyone to do anything - choosing iTunes, or 
>>>> iCloud, or nothing to sync photos or other choices is the user choice.  If 
>>>> you have found iCloud syncing is turned on by default, I would be 
>>>> surprised as I found I needed to sign into iCloud for all this to work, 
>>>> and during that sign in process, there are options I had to tick, or 
>>>> untick to select my options.    
>>>> I’ve never found anything I have loaded to my Apple servers being used for 
>>>> commercial gain “that I know about”.  I find it amusing that many people, 
>>>> not saying you’re in this group Michael, use a free platform such as 
>>>> Facebook for an enormous amount of personal data. It’s all free, zilch, no 
>>>> cost, same as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc etc and then there is an 
>>>> outcry when these companies need to make money to continue to provide this 
>>>> free platform. They get money from advertising that tracks our usage and 
>>>> viewing habits and targets advertising to ’suit’ us.  I’m sure Google 
>>>> Maps, or TomTom sell data  to transport planners that they collect as we 
>>>> use route directions on connected GPS devices. Is this not the same thing 
>>>> as using our information for commercial gain? 
>>>> My recollection of the Census fiasco was that no data was lost nor 
>>>> corrupted. There were connection issues that we all experienced, but there 
>>>> was no data loss nor hacking. 
>>>> I am sorry you are frustrated Michael, but this is drifting well away from 
>>>> my original query about the technical aspects of me using iCloud. As I see 
>>>> it, you DO have choices and iCloud is not set by default. There are many 
>>>> things to get frustrated about in the world, there appears to be no reason 
>>>> to make this one more of them. 
>>>> Best wishes for the New Year. 
>>>> Tim
>>>>> On 1 Jan 2017, at 10:40 AM, Michael Hawkins 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Tim. What underpinned my email was my frustration with what I see 
>>>>> as Apple's  less than open tactic of making uploading to iCloud the 
>>>>> default setting when iOS updates are released. I don't know what the 
>>>>> privacy laws are in whichever Country the server is housed, and the 
>>>>> debacle with the Australian census last year illustrates that no system 
>>>>> is safe from database corruption.
>>>>> If someone has more than one Apple device and wants to share content 
>>>>> between the devices or make it possible for one device to access another, 
>>>>> it should be that person's decision to set the system up so that that can 
>>>>> be done.
>>>>> We don't all live in a location with ready Internet access, or quick 
>>>>> upload and download speeds. Nor do we all live in a place where access to 
>>>>> the Internet is cheap.
>>>>> In other words the decision to transmit data over the internet should be 
>>>>> a conscious deliberate decision made by the person who owns the data, and 
>>>>> causing the data to be uploaded by default for commercial gain is 
>>>>> reprehensible.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On 1 Jan 2017, at 10:14 am, Tim Law <> wrote:
>>>>>> Fair question Michael,
>>>>>> The advantage of iCloud syncing as I see it, is that you can have one 
>>>>>> ‘master’ computer where you download and store the originals photos, AS 
>>>>>> WELL AS storing the full sized versions on the cloud. This enables Time 
>>>>>> Machine and Super Duper to back up the photos if iCloud flies away into 
>>>>>> dark matter.  I’ve lost many photos before due to hard disk failure and 
>>>>>> don’t want to go through that again. 
>>>>>> The other advantage is that it only downloads smaller images to all the 
>>>>>> other devices, sized to suit that device. The entire photo library is on 
>>>>>> each of these devices, all 15000, not like using Photo Stream which only 
>>>>>> put 1000 photos on the mobile devices.   I am not likely to NEED to view 
>>>>>> all those on the other devices, but inevitably when I wanted to show 
>>>>>> someone a photo from a year before for example, when using Photo Stream, 
>>>>>> and iTunes sync, it was not in either folder. 
>>>>>> I did try to do what you suggest, but the MacBook Pro did not have 
>>>>>> enough storage capacity for the full Photos Library, and there was 
>>>>>> really no need to have more than one computer with full sized images. If 
>>>>>> you need to edit or print the full sized images, they are downloaded 
>>>>>> from iCloud as needed to the specific device. 
>>>>>> I trust this explains my logic.
>>>>>> I have stopped taking photos in RAW which complicates matters somewhat 
>>>>>> when sharing via iCloud. What I have found is that a photo that has both 
>>>>>> JPEG and RAW version is impossible to select between in iOS devices. So 
>>>>>> if I want to attach a photo to an email, it must be in JPEG not RAW, and 
>>>>>> several times I have done it, only the RAW version - at some 20mb - is 
>>>>>> able to be attached. I’m now taking full sized JPEG instead and these 
>>>>>> run to around 8mb per image, and the size is managed by Mail when 
>>>>>> sending. I am not sure if there is a way around the way iCloud manages 
>>>>>> RAW image syncing to iOS devices - happy to hear suggestions. 
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>> On 31 Dec 2016, at 8:45 PM, Michael Hawkins 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Pardon me for asking this, but wouldn't have been faster and simpler to 
>>>>>>> physically connect one computer to the other?
>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On 31 Dec 2016, at 1:07 pm, Tim Law <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Update.  For the benefit of anyone else having similar problems with 
>>>>>>>> iCloud syncing ‘stuck’.
>>>>>>>> I now have a reasonable degree of confidence that Photos has been 
>>>>>>>> sorted and will now correctly sync with iCloud over four devices. 
>>>>>>>> This has not been the easy process I had expected.   I discovered that 
>>>>>>>> creating a new library I could keep the original library and not risk 
>>>>>>>> losing data. Only one library can be the ‘system library’ and sync 
>>>>>>>> with iCloud. 
>>>>>>>> I have one computer that is ticked to download originals and that 
>>>>>>>> computer is now showing ‘all up to date’ in Photos. Yay.
>>>>>>>> My mobile devices have always synced well with iCloud and update any 
>>>>>>>> changes immediately.
>>>>>>>> My laptop had been refusing to sync correctly with iCloud and was 
>>>>>>>> stuck for a week. After signing out of iCloud, restarting the computer 
>>>>>>>> in Safe Mode, then restarting again in normal mode, rebuilding the 
>>>>>>>> Photo Library with no change,  I ended up creating a new Library, then 
>>>>>>>> turned iCloud syncing back on and it is currently downloading the 
>>>>>>>> contents of my iCloud photo gallery, some 50Gb, so will take a while.  
>>>>>>>> I lost track of how many times I found  Photos trying to upload the 
>>>>>>>> entire 15000 photos to iCloud, at least five,  and am grateful to have 
>>>>>>>> a 1000Gb plan with Bigpond on cable so had the capacity for such 
>>>>>>>> nonsense. 
>>>>>>>> I expect my problems are now on the way to being resolved. Looking 
>>>>>>>> forward to happy Photos syncing in the New Year.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>> On 23 Dec 2016, at 7:28 PM, Tim Law <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> EEEk,,,   :-(
>>>>>>>>> Restarted Mac Mini.
>>>>>>>>> This got the upload moving again - yay. 
>>>>>>>>> "uploading 100 to go"
>>>>>>>>> "50 to go" looking good.
>>>>>>>>> "uploading 1 item"
>>>>>>>>> Success I’m thinking.
>>>>>>>>> Suddenly it is uploading 15,827 items - AGAIN!
>>>>>>>>> Sigh …..
>>>>>>>>> I’ve quit Photos and will see what mood it is in tomorrow. 
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>>> On 23 Dec 2016, at 6:35 PM, Tim Law <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Good evening,
>>>>>>>>>> I am hoping to find out how to reset the sync data to force one 
>>>>>>>>>> computer to reset the sync data for loading Photos to iCloud
>>>>>>>>>> Two weeks, or more, ago, I turned on iCloud storage for Photos on 
>>>>>>>>>> four devices. 
>>>>>>>>>> All are logged into the same iCloud account, although some are 
>>>>>>>>>> and some are email address names. I understand this 
>>>>>>>>>> is insignificant. I have checked at and 
>>>>>>>>>> found all four devices are logged into the same Apple ID
>>>>>>>>>> Mac Mini - 10.11.6  Cannot be upgraded to Sierra
>>>>>>>>>> Mac Book Pro   macOS 10.12.1
>>>>>>>>>> iPhone 6S    iOS 10.1.1
>>>>>>>>>> iPad Air 2  iOS 10.1.1
>>>>>>>>>> In order to keep a current back-up, I have turned on ‘Download 
>>>>>>>>>> originals to this Mac’ on the Mac Mini which is my ‘main’ computer. 
>>>>>>>>>> Data is backed up using Time Machine and Super Duper.
>>>>>>>>>> All the mobile devices have the same number of photos and videos as 
>>>>>>>>>> each other and as is  which is 15,003
>>>>>>>>>> The Mac Mini registers it should have 14752.
>>>>>>>>>> The Mac Mini is Stuck at uploading an extra 1878 photos and has been 
>>>>>>>>>> for over 24 hours. This is the second time this has happened and it 
>>>>>>>>>> has taken a week to upload the 55Gb of data a second time. Photo’s 
>>>>>>>>>> triggered itself into a reload of all photos after I turned off 
>>>>>>>>>> iCloud Photo Library in an effort to get the devices correctly 
>>>>>>>>>> syncing. 
>>>>>>>>>> When I delete, or add, a photo to any of the mobile devices, it is 
>>>>>>>>>> shared to the other mobile devices quickly. 
>>>>>>>>>> Photos on the Mac Mini has kept several photos that have been 
>>>>>>>>>> deleted for days on the other devices. 
>>>>>>>>>> During the week I can see the CPU working hard on iCloud or Photos, 
>>>>>>>>>> then I see the upload loading to iCloud. It varies between activity 
>>>>>>>>>> on both, but once ‘stuck’ on 1878 to go, there is no activity 
>>>>>>>>>> showing. 
>>>>>>>>>> I have tried the Pause for One Day button in Photos but nothing 
>>>>>>>>>> forces the reset and correction as I thought it would.
>>>>>>>>>> I think I need to find a file that contains the sync data and remove 
>>>>>>>>>> it as I suspect it has got corrupted somehow. 
>>>>>>>>>> Is there such a file and are my ideas sensible or is there another 
>>>>>>>>>> option. 
>>>>>>>>>> I’ve been patient for two or more weeks with Photos and iCloud - 
>>>>>>>>>> like the forums suggest - now is the time for a hammer!!  kidding
>>>>>>>>>> Ideas welcome.
>>>>>>>>>> What about turning off iCloud Photo Library, deleting all the photos 
>>>>>>>>>> in the Mac Mini library….. eeeek….. and then turning it back on 
>>>>>>>>>> again so all the 55Gb will download. That sounds scary.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
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