Dear Ronni,

Thank you for your reply. I do not remember deleting the folder I had which was 
called “Desktop Folders”, but all sorts of wierd and troubling things happened 
when I first tried to installl the security update and tried to update the 
operating system as well, a few weeks ago. Suffice to say I had to wipe the 
hard drive clean and start from scratch a couple of times. Fortunately I had 
made a backup. That debacle was followed shortly after by the update which, as 
I recall it, reorganized the file structure. I had a few days trying to cope 
with what I started calling the black screen of death which emerged about 80% 
of the way through the process of restarting. I worked through the alternatives 
such as safe boot, but ended up having to do a SMC reset.

I’ve been away a for a couple of weeks. Now that I’m home I’ll pluck up the 
courage to instal the Security update for the 4th time.



> On 21 May 2018, at 5:02 pm, Ronni Brown <> wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> I am still having trouble not receiving WAMUG mailing list messages, so I’ve 
> copied & pasted your message below, so I can answer.
> Have you moved the original ‘Desktop Folders’ that you created? 
> Have you deleted the original ‘Desktop Folders’?
> The Dock just holds aliases to real files, folders, and applications. There 
> is nothing real in the Dock, it just acts like it is. 
> All of the items in the Dock point back to some real item in the file system. 
> They are just shortcuts to the originals. 
> When you open a folder from the Dock, it opens the original folder.
> Add an item to the Dock: Drag it to the Dock.
> You Place apps to the left of the separator line, and files and folders to 
> the right of the separator line.
> Re: The Security Update 2018-001, I experienced it staying in Updates 
> available until I clicked on it and installed again, as there was another 
> version of that same file released a few days later. I suggest you click on 
> it and install again.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 13-inch MacBook Air (April 2014)
> 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost to 3.3GHz
> 512GB PCIe-based Flash Storage
> macOS High Sierra 10.13.4
> Michael Hawkins 
> <>
>  Sun, 20 May 2018 21:56:32 -0700 
> <>
> Security update 2018-001 was installed on my MacBook Pro on the 3rd May. The 
> computer has been turned off and started a number of times since then, but 
> despite that I keep receiving a mesage that updates are available. Each 
> supposed update is identified as being Security update 2018-001.
> One thing I noticed after the update was finally installed was that the icon 
> in 
> the Dock for Desktop Folders ahs ben replaced by a large ? symbol (as in 
> question mark symbol). When the cursor is hovered over the ? symbole, the 
> label 
> “Desktop Folders” appears. No folders appear though, when I click on the ? 
> symbol.
> Other than that, I have not had any trouble using the computer, but I wonder 
> why the message that an update is available keeps getting sent.
> High Sierra version 10.13.4
> MacBook Pro (17 inch late 2011, solid state hard drive)
> Thank you
> Michael Hawkins
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