Hi Rosemary,


Regarding the speed variability – that is not necessarily down to any problem 
with your setup. One thing about the current zombie apocalypse has been a huge 
increase in NBN traffic. They have been working on increasing capacity to 
address this but I have certainly noticed periods where the speed dropped 


I also signed up for a NBN 50 package (with Internode) where they say to expect 
an average evening download speed of around 43. It is FTTN here, the actual 
achievable speeds depend on the existing copper network being used for the 
final connection so, after they actually connect you, they run a network check 
and advise you what speeds your connection is capable of – they advised me:

We have checked your NBN connection, and the maximum speed your address can 
receive is 50.09Mbps download and 15.09Mbps upload.

So, for me, the possible download speed was as per the paid package but the 
possible upload speed was less than the paid package speed (20 Mbps upload) and 
I was offered the option of downgrading to a cheaper, slower speed plan. 
However, since download speed (for streaming iVeiw & SBS on demand) was 
important to me, I was happy to stick with the NBN 50 plan. The fact that you 
sometimes see speeds of 47Mbps shows that your actual connection is capable of 
these speeds – however it does not stop the speed from dropping if there are 
NBN problems/congestion.


I have certainly noticed this myself recently – in a series of 17 speed tests, 
from 4 April to today, the measured download speeds have varied form as low as 
3.77 to as high as 41.74. When I first checked on 4 April (after noticing 
things seemed slower) the download speeds were around 24 to 25 – then things 
got quite erratic and from 13 April to 11 May only one result was over 20 in 
fact on 11 May I had 3 consecutive tests of 9.44, 22.88 & 3.77! 


However, since 28 May things seem to have improved to around 30 to 42. Note 
that my Internet has been quite useable in general and my testing has been 
irregular – mainly for my own curiosity.



So, I think you need to try and define just what the problem is that you are 
experiencing – some thoughts here:

Assuming that your (presumably fairly new) NBN modem is operating OK, then 
variability of internet connection speed if the computer is connected directly 
to the modem – ie no wifi network switched on - is probably due to NBN factors 
outside your control.
A slow NBN connection speeds can give you problems with video not playing or 
probably getting kicked off a zoom meeting – these things tend to rely on a 
“buffer” of stored data to smooth out momentary glitches in transmission but if 
the problem persists this “buffer” will run out – I’m sure we have all seen 
this behaviour when watching You/tube videos.
If your actual wifi connection between the computer and the modem is being 
dropped - either due to interference or other network problems (faulty 
equipment or setup) - then that is a wireless network problem that you need to 

Hopefully the above will help you determine whether your problem is down to 
your wireless network or erratic internet connection speeds – however, I 
suspect we have reached the limit of what can be achieved by email discussion. 
I your problem continues I think you may need to have someone with more 
experience in this area investigate your actual setup, in person.












From: <wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au> on behalf of Rosemary 
Spark <arkaysp...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Date: Saturday, 13 June 2020 at 11:25
To: wamug <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: Re: internet connectivity problems


Thanks for your detailed answer.


I tried what I could.  The wifi with or without the modem connection to the 
time capsule is just as flaky. Speeds vary between 14 and 47 within minutes of 
each other either way. (Our NBN connection is meant to be 50) 


We haven't moved the modem at all or added any other equipment near it. The 
cordless phone is connected to the modem as we have Voip, but that hasn't 
changed at all.




Rosemary Spark
PO Box 781
South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
Phone: + 61 8 6397 6822
Mobile: 0414268043



On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 at 19:33, Neil Houghton <n...@possumology.com> wrote:

Hi Rosemary,


I think the first thing to work out is whether your problem is with the actual 
internet connection (eg the Westnet cable problems or just NBN congestion) or 
with your own wireless network.



To check out the internet connection try running SpeedTest 
https://www.speedtest.net/ and see what speeds you are getting. If you get a 
good result straight away that should rule out your internet connection as the 
source of the problem. If the result is not so good then to try & make sure 
that the problem really is the internet connection by making your connection as 
direct as possible - depending on what computers you have, an ideal test would 
Turn off your wireless network.
Connect a laptop directly to the modem by ethernet cable (or desktop if 
physically close enough)
With just your browser open run SpeedTest
Speedtest have a FAQ on how it all works and how various things affect your 
measured speed https://www.speedtest.net/about/knowledge/faq




However, since you say “the wifi drops out over and over again” it sounds like 
the problem is with your wireless network so, assuming that your internet 
connection is OK, then you need to troubleshoot this.


I was a bit unclear as to how your wireless network is setup with regard to the 
modem and the time capsule – whether you were just running the modem as a modem 
and had the time capsule, directly connected to the modem by ethernet, running 
your wifi network or whether you had the modem setup to run the wireless 
network and were just using the time capsule as a network extender?


Anyway, from your email it sounds as if everything was working fine until a few 
days ago and then you suddenly started having problems. So, assuming that you 
had not changed anything in your setup in the interim, it seems to me that 
there are two basic types of problem you could be looking at:
A problem, possibly a hardware fault, that has resulted in an erratic 
performance of some component of your network setup.
Wireless interference, from some external source interfering, with your wifi 

With regard to 1) above, you should be able to rule it in or out by changing 
between two configurations:
Wireless network generated by your modem and the time capsule removed from the 
The wireless network turned off on the modem and a wireless network setup on 
the time capsule (directly connected to the modem by ethernet)
If one works fine and the other has problems then you have identified the 
source of the problem. If you still have problems with both configurations then 
either your problem is 2) above or (possible but probably less likely) you 
coincidentally have more than one problem so that both configurations are 


With regard to 2) above, you should be looking at some new device/appliance 
which has been introduced into the general proximity to your network, Typical 
sources of wifi interference include cordless phone setups, microwave ovens etc 
but one other thing to consider is if you have a close neighbour who has a new 
or modified wifi network.



Anyway, hopefully that gives you something to think about – there is also lots 
of useful info out there on the web – you might find this useful 


Tracking down & troubleshooting network issues is often tricky and sometimes 
seems part voodoo!  So if you find it all too hard you can always try one of 
the WAMUG professionals like Daniel.














From: <wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au> on behalf of Rosemary 
Spark <arkaysp...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Date: Saturday, 06 June 2020 at 17:33
To: wamug <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: internet connectivity problems



We have multiple computers, iphone and ipads. The last few days our wifi keeps 
"Looking for networks" every couple of seconds. That by itself might not be a 
problem but the wifi drops out over and over again. I tried to join a zoom 
meeting and I got kicked out 3 times in 6 minutes. If you try to run a video it 
stops and whirls and hiccups, goes again and then stops again.

Things I've done so far.

re-started computers etc
re-started modem (iinet broadband gateway) and old time capsule
Used Airport Utility to update Time Capsule software to latest 7.8.1
Used Wireless Diagnostics to check performance. Last night all parameters 
(Rate, Quality and Signal) were mountain ranges, this morning for a bit they 
all were relatively straight. Just now there are straight bits in Rate then 
steep mountains
run the wifi just from the modem (because the time capsule is old)
Checked Westnet outages web page, it says there's a major cable that's been 
broken under the sea, it's being worked on.
turned off and on wifi in menu bar in settings (some people online said it 
would fix..it didn't)
turned off bluetooth (some people online said it would fix..it didn't)

Rosemary Spark
PO Box 781
South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
Phone: + 61 8 6397 6822
Mobile: 0414268043

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