WAMUG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

        Topic: WAMUG Zoom Meeting

        Time: Apr 6, 2021 07:30 PM Perth

        Join Zoom Meeting


        Meeting ID: 872 3273 9693

        Passcode: 804016


        1 - The 3rd part in our series your Digital Legacy. This episode will
focus on what to do with your passwords and Social
Media  accounts. 

        2 - Creating tables in word processing documents. Just another in our
ongoing series - Comparing Pages with MS Word.

        3. Q & A


        We are now open to receiving 2021 WAMUG membership payments.  Our
banking woes are not fully resolved , and we are unable to send a
receipt, so please make sure you keep a copy/screen shot record of
your payment.

        Kind Regards

        Peter Hinchliffe        

        Representing Committee,

        Western Australian Macintosh Users Group 


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