As I understand the situation, IINET or WESTNET are the internet service 
providers and that won’t change. 
One isn’t obliged to use @ iinet or @ westnet.
I haven’t used those addresses for several years and I’m happy with all the 
apple addresses @me @ Mac @ iCloud.
Marcus Harris
Mobile +61417965618


> On 2 Nov 2023, at 2:56 pm, Peter Crisp via WAMUG <> 
> wrote:
>    Hi Rod, I am with Westnet as my ISP - same org as iinet I understand.
>   Westnet advised me a couple of months back too they are outsourcing the
>   email management. This was received with big groans. However, Westnet
>   (and iinet) are outsourcing the email management to The Messaging
>   Company. You have the choice to Opt In to their plan, in which case
>   they will manage the full migration of your Westnet (or iinet) Mail
>   accounts to The Messaging Company, but importantly you will keep
>   exactly the same email address afterwards. I have opted in as making a
>   change to a different email address would be a huge undertaking with
>   all the tangles with multiple other subscriptions, providers etc my
>   email address is associated with. Same to for the 4 other family
>   members in my family. I dug further into this - the first year of email
>   management is free with The Messaging Company and then from year 2,
>   they will charge a fee for the email management. If I look at my
>   Westnet plan, the current email management fee will disappear form day
>   1 after migration and thereafter. I don't know yet how much The
>   Messaging Company will charge from year 2.
>   You can ring the helpline for further details if other questions or
>   there is an FAQ page for the commonly asked questions.
>   Kind Regards
>   Peter Crisp
>     ----- Original Message -----
>   From:
>   "WAMUG" <>
>   To:
>     "WAMUG" <>
>   Cc:
>     "Rod Blitvich" <>
>   Sent:
>     Thu, 2 Nov 2023 14:13:05 +0800
>   Subject:
>     [WAMUG] Which Email address?
>     Hi Folks
>     So iinet email is shifting to another provider.
>     Please can you suggest which email address should now I use as my
>     primary address?
>     I currently use
>     I have the following email addresses:
>     I am thinking of making as my primary address
>     Thank you
>     Rod Blitvich
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