
      February 1, 2006 Print | Send this article | Feedback 


Alienated Danish Muslims Sought Help from Arabs


Twelve drawings of Muhammad printed in a major Danish newspaper have turned 
millions of Muslims against Denmark. And one man's mission has transformed the 
caricatures into the stuff of international diplomacy. The Arab world, though, 
isn't being given the full story.

      Yemeni women hold up banners calling for a boycott of Danish products. 
It was just twelve simple drawing published in a Danish newspaper. But they 
have triggered an international relations crisis for Copenhagen -- and 
potentially the rest of Europe. The drawings depicted the prophet Muhammed, a 
major no-no for Muslims. The result has been protests and boycotts in the Arab 
world, and soul searching in Denmark and Europe.

The explosiveness of the tensions between Danes and the Arab World this week 
drew ugly comparisons to a conflict of civilizations and raised uncomfortable 
memories of the fatwa issued against author Salman Rushdie in the 1980s over 
his novel "The Satanic Verses," which Muslim groups claim disparaged their 
religion's central figure, Muhammad. But Denmark's crisis has been simmering 
for months. 

Islam forbids the depiction of the religion's founder Muhammad, and Muslims in 
Denmark grew outraged after the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, a major Danish 
daily, published a series of 12 political cartoons in September that depicted 
the prophet in various disparaging contexts. When they responded -- through 
letters to the editor and complaints within the community -- they felt ignored.

One group of Danish Muslims, led by a young imam named Ahmed Akkari, grew so 
frustrated by the inability of Muslims to get their message across in Denmark 
that they compiled a dossier of racist and culturally insensitive images 
circulating in the country and took them on an road show in the Arab World to 
raise awareness of the discrimination they faced.  

"There is currently a climate (in Denmark) that is contributing to an increase 
in racism," the group warned in the introduction to a 43-page dossier it 
prepared before traveling to Egypt in late 2005. It dedicated the rest of the 
dossier to "drawings and pictures" that disparaged Islam and "denigrated the 
prophet." The offending images included Muhammad with a bomb wrapped in his 
turban. The Muslim community in the small Scandinavian country erupted in anger 
-- not only did the images denigrate Islam's central figure, many felt the 
drawings also equated all Muslims with terrorism. 

Tivoli Gardens and Islamophobia

To Muslim leaders in Denmark like Akkari and fellow imam Abu Laban, the images 
provided evidence of an Islamophobia that they believe permeates Danish 
society. Worse yet, they felt their protests against racism had been ignored. 
Newspapers failed to publish their letters to the editor and politicians seemed 
unwilling to listen. "As a group in society, we've simply been ignored," Akkari 
told the Aarhus-based daily Stiftstidende earlier this month. 

Akkari and his group traveled together to Cairo, where they visited Al-Azhar 
University, which has a reputation for building bridges between Egypt and 
Europe. Akkari said he wanted to draw attention to the racist climate in order 
to prevent a repeat of the Theo Van Gogh drama in the Netherlands. In November 
2004, a radical Islamist murdered Van Gogh, motivated by the filmmaker's 
criticism of Muslims. 

Kaare Quist, a journalist at the Danish daily Ekstra Bladet, who has been 
reporting on the story for a number of weeks, says the group found a number of 
highly placed officials in the Arab World keen to listen to its message. Quist 
told SPIEGEL ONLINE they included representatives of the Arab League, Egypt's 
grand mufti and other high-level officials. The trip the group made, Quist 
believes, helped to raise attention to the political cartoons in 
Jyllands-Posten and prejudices against Denmark's Muslims. some 270,000 of 
Denmark's 5.4 million population are Muslim, making up 5 percent of the 

Quist says the dossier they shared in Egypt may have been far more damaging 
than the Jyllands-Posten episode -- and it may have further exacerbated 
misgivings between Denmark and the Arab world. In addition to the now notorious 
caricatures published by the newspaper which have now spread like wildfire in 
the blogosphere, it also included patently offensive anti-Muslim images that 
had been sent to the group by other Muslims living in Denmark. The origins or 
authenticity of the images haven't been confirmed, but their content was 
nevertheless damaging. Quist says the dossier included three obscene 
caricatures -- one showed Muhammad as a pedophile, another as a pig and the 
last depicted a praying Muslim being raped by a dog. 

"The drawings in Jyllands-Posten were harmless compared to these," he says. 

      A police officer stands in front of the Danish newspaper Jyllands Post's 
building in Copenhagen. 
For his part, Akkari said the more outrageous images were clearly separated 
from those published by the paper when the group met with Muslim leaders. "They 
were at the back of the folder," he told Stiftstidende. By including them, the 
group sought to show the kind of hate they feel subjected to in Denmark. 

Stoking the fire?

But Quist claims the group may also have perpetuated misunderstandings during 
its trip. The reporter says that Arabs who visited with the group later claimed 
Akkari's delegation had given them the impression that Danish Prime Minister 
Anders Fogh Rasmussen somehow controlled or owned Jyllands-Posten. 

"I believe that this misunderstanding was unintentional," Quist said, reviewing 
his research. "But I also think that they are also trying to profit from the 

Still, whether the trip by Akkari's group had any impact or not, Fogh Rasmussen 
and the editors of Jyllands-Posten are on the defensive this week, dodging bomb 
threats and a growing diplomatic crisis. The episode also sparked a strong 
debate in the European media about free speech and whether editors in other 
European countries should stand together in support of free speech and a Danish 
paper that pushes the wrong buttons or whether they should scorn a series of 
cartoons that perpetuated uncomfortable stereotypes about Muslims. 

The newspaper's editor issued an apology this week. And the Danish prime 
minister, who earlier said it would be inappropriate for him to apologize for a 
newspaper's right to free of speech, did say he hoped the apology would 
"contribute to the comfort of those who have been hurt." 

      Danish food products have been removed from stores across the Arab world, 
including this supermarket in Amman, Jordan. 
But sentiment against Denmark is strong. Earlier this week, Arab countries 
including Saudi Arabia, Libya and Jordan, have staged loosely organized, 
impromptu boycotts that have led many companies, including France's Carrefour 
supermarket chain, to remove Danish products from their shelves. Denmark's 
Jyske Bank has estimated that a one-year Arab boycott of Danish food products 
could result in lost revenues of ?322 million and the loss of as many as 4,000 

In addition, Arabs have taken their protests to the street, to the Internet and 
to the sphere of official international diplomacy. Arab hackers have attacked 
the server of Jyllands-Posten's Web site and several Arab countries -- most 
recently Syria on Wednesday -- have recalled their ambassadors from Copenhagen.

With reporting by Yassin Musharbash and Anna Reimann. 

: Blogs discussing this story

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