yach.. untuk pembenahan mental terutama yang memang kalang kabut ini bagus, itu 
tidak hanya islam, kristen pun ada, bahkan buku2nya banyak yang jadi best 
seller, tapi untuk bangkit dari krisis bangsa  yang multidimensi, korupsi dll 
itu tidak banyak membantu ko.. bahkan akan banyak mengalami kegagalan, makanya 
kalau lagi cari informasi atau makalah di internet-:) jangan pilih yang 
reduksionis gitu, biar pintarnya tidak dadakan gictuucccchh.. -:)

  sorry ko, kalau aku cari yang ilmiah tidak di internet, karena nggak ngefek  
  ini ko lagunya P.O.D : http://999nine.blogspot.com/
jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Mohon pencerahannya nich,
  Kira-kira bung Anwarhisham bisa engga menyanggah hasil RISET yang saya 
sebutkan dibawah ini, kalau memang Bung Anwarhisham itu "GENIUS"
  ( Mohon perhatian, kalau mau menyanggah silahkan saja, tapi jangan pakai 
"Klenik dan angan-angan/imaginasi", harus ilmiah dan masuk akal )
  Is Prayer Good for Your Health? A Critique of the Scientific Research
  by Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D.; Harold G. Koenig, M.D.; Christina Puchalski, 
M.D.; Cynthia Cohen, Ph.D., J.D.; and Richard Sloan, Ph.D
  STUART M. BUTLER: What does the evidence show in terms of the connection 
between religious practice and other characteristics of our society: poverty, 
welfare, health? Also, what might be the implications of this research and 
analysis, if any, for public policy? These are the objectives of this Center, 
and we are very pleased it pulls together a lot of the work that we have been 
doing in various parts of the Foundation for some years and gives it a focus
  Our event today is to explore the relationship--again, I say if any--between 
religious practice and personal health and recovery from illness. Hence the 
provocative title: "Is Prayer Good for Your Health?"
  Our first speaker is Dr. Harold G. Koenig, who is on the faculty at Duke 
University as a tenured associate professor of psychiatry and an associate 
professor of medicine. He is director and founder of the Center for the Study 
of Religion/Spirituality and Health at Duke University. He is the author of 
dozens of books and articles and chapters of books.
  His research on religion, health, and ethical issues in medicine has been 
featured in over 35 national and international TV news programs, including all 
the major U.S. networks. He has presented his research before the United 
Nations. His latest books include The Healing Power of Faith: Science Explores 
Medicine's Last Great Frontier.
  With regard to mental health, prior to the year 2000, there are a number of 
studies looking at well-being, hope and optimism, purpose and meaning in life 
in the 20th century, and these are the studies that show a positive 
relationship between religion and these various things. (See Chart 1) You can 
see depression, anxiety and fear, marital satisfaction, social support: 19 of 
20 studies on substance abuse. The strongest effects are found in stressed 
populations. It's important to remember that.
  :) : ) : ) :) : ) : ) : ) : )
  There are reasons why religion can influence coping. These are logical, 
rational: It provides a positive, optimistic world view; provides meaning and 
purpose to life; helps people to psychologically integrate negative things; 
gives people hope; enhances their motivation; personally empowers them and 
gives them a sense of control.
  Better mental health in turn is related to better physical health. In the 
last six months, there have been major studies in JAMA, Proceedings of the 
National Academy of Sciences, and the Lancet showing the connections between 
better mental health and better physical health--depression in particular, 
affecting health-related quality of life in coronary artery disease (CAD), 
affecting Interleukin-6 levels (an indicator of immune functioning) two to 
three years after the death of the patient. Depressed patients have nearly 
double the mortality in CAD, and there is experimental evidence that negative 
affect (or negative mood) influences immune function. (See Chart 3)
  Bung Anwar  "bingung"  tidak ?

  anwarhisham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bayangin aja..Kalau kita punya 100 orang aja kayak si janoko 
berkeliaran bebas di Indonesia..
berapa besar "daya rusak" yang akan terjadi di masyarakat kita yang 
rata-rata lugu dan kurang berpendidikan..

mangkanya sering saya bilang..Woi..bangun oii..
hari sudah siang..
jangan ngorok and mimpi terus..kadang sambil "bermasturbasi" dengan 
selalu mengatakan bahwa agama dapat menyelesaikan segala masalah..

kadang hati ini jadi miris..kalo mikir bahwa model orang si janoko ini 
dapat bertahan hidup lama didunia ini..
berapa anak bangsa lagi yang akan ditipu oleh pemikiran sesat macam 
itu ?

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dien Islam memang solusi paling tepat untuk menyelesaikan segala 
permasalahan yang dihadapi manusia diseluruh Alam semesta.
>   Kita nanti jalan-jalan bersama untuk membuktikannya :)
>   wassalam.
> st sabri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   :=))
> Pinter sampeyan, coba hitung berapa muslim yg menerima hadiah nobel
> baik bidang : Fisika, Kimia, Ekonomi, Sastra, Perdamaian,kedokteran
> ..... saya juga gak hafal tapi kalo mau ngitung nih : 

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