Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed in air raid

By PATRICK QUINN, Associated Press Writer 54 minutes

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most-wanted
terrorist in Iraq who waged a bloody campaign of
beheadings and suicide bombings, was killed when U.S.
warplanes dropped 500-pound bombs on his isolated
safehouse, officials said Thursday. His death was a
long-sought victory in the war in Iraq.

Al-Zarqawi and several aides, including spiritual
adviser Sheik Abdul Rahman, were killed Wednesday
evening in a remote area 30 miles from Baghdad in the
volatile province of Diyala, just east of the
provincial capital of Baqouba, officials said.

"Al-Zarqawi was eliminated," Prime Minister Nouri
al-Maliki said.

At the White House,
President Bush hailed the killing as "a severe blow to
al-Qaida and it is a significant victory in the war on

But he cautioned: "We have tough days ahead of us in
Iraq that will require the continuing patience of the
American people."

The news came amid more reports of violence in Iraq,
with two bombs striking a market and a police patrol
in Baghdad, killing at least 19 people and wounding
more than 40.

Al-Qaida in Iraq confirmed al-Zarqawi's death and
vowed to continue its "holy war," according to a
statement posted on a Web site.

"We want to give you the joyous news of the martyrdom
of the mujahed sheik Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

"The death of our leaders is life for us. It will only
increase our persistence in continuing holy war so
that the word of God will be supreme."

Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq,
said the hunt for al-Zarqawi began two weeks ago, and
his body was identified by fingerprints and facial
recognition. The U.S. military showed a picture of
al-Zarqawi's face after the airstrike, with his eyes
closed and spots of blood behind him.

Casey said an American airstrike targeted "an
identified, isolated safe house."

U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell
showed a videotape of an attack in which he said F-16
fighter jets dropped two 500-pound bombs on the site.

"We had absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Zarqawi
was in the house," Caldwell said.

Casey said tips and intelligence from senior leaders
of al-Zarqawi's network led U.S. forces to al-Zarqawi
as he was meeting with associates. Iraqi police were
first on the scene after the airstrike, he said.

Caldwell also said U.S. and Iraqi troops carried out
17 raids around Baghdad following al-Zarqawi's

The announcement about al-Zarqawi's death came six
days after he issued an audiotape on the Internet,
railing against Shiites in Iraq and saying militias
were raping women and killing Sunnis. He urged the
community to fight back.

The Jordanian-born terrorist was Iraq's most-wanted
militant and was nearly as notorious as
Osama bin Laden, to whom he swore allegiance in 2004.
The United States put a $25 million bounty on his
head, the same as bin Laden. Al-Maliki told al-Arabiya
television the bounty would be honored, saying "we
will meet our promise," without elaborating.

Al-Zarqawi is believed to have beheaded two Americans
— Nicholas Berg of West Chester, Pa., and Eugene
Armstrong, formerly of Hillsdale, Mich. — prompting
supporters to dub him "the slaughtering sheik."

Al-Maliki said the Wednesday night airstrike by U.S.
forces was based on intelligence reports provided to
Iraqi security forces by area residents.

A Jordanian official said the kingdom also provided
the U.S. military with information that helped track
down al-Zarqawi, who claimed responsibility for a
November triple suicide bombing against Amman hotels
that killed 60.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity
because he was addressing intelligence issues, would
not elaborate, but Jordan is known to have agents
operating in Iraq to hunt down Islamic militants.

Some of the information came from Jordan's sources
inside Iraq and led the U.S. military to the area of
Baqouba, the official said.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told The
Associated Press that a serious effort to find
al-Zarqawi had been underway since he appeared in a
videotape in late April — the same week messages were
broadcast by bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman

He said the location in which al-Zarqawi appeared in
the videotape had been "pinpointed," without

Baqouba has in recent weeks seen a spike in sectarian
violence, including the discovery of 17 severed heads
in fruit boxes. It also was near the site of a
sectarian atrocity last week in which masked gunmen
killed 21 Shiites, including a dozen students pulled
from minibuses, after separating out four Sunni Arabs.

"Those who disrupt the course of life, like
al-Zarqawi, will have a tragic end," al-Maliki said.
He also warned those who would follow the militant's
lead that "whenever there is a new al-Zarqawi, we will
kill him."

"This is a message for all those who embrace violence,
killing and destruction to stop and to (retreat)
before it's too late," he said. "It is an open battle
with all those who incite sectarianism."

A U.S. defense intelligence official, who requested
anonymity while events were unfolding, said there is
no intelligence indicating that extremists planned
attacks that would be triggered by al-Zarqawi's death.

However, the official said, with his death, there may
be some retaliation.

It was not clear to American authorities who would
succeed al-Zarqawi as the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq.
The official noted that a number of al-Zarqawi's
deputies have been taken out in recent months, which
could cause chaos among the group's top tier.

Caldwell said an Egyptian-born man he identified as
Abu al-Masri will probably take over al-Qaida in Iraq.

In London, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair said al-Zarqawi's death "was very good news
because a blow against al-Qaida in Iraq was a blow
against al-Qaida everywhere." Afghan President Hamid
Karzai said the killing was "a significant step in
ridding the world of the menace of terrorism."

In Jordan, al-Zarqawi's older brother said the
insurgent leader was a martyr, and the family had long
expected his death. Al-Zarqawi's family had renounced
him in the wake of the Amman bombings.

"We anticipated that he would be killed for a very
long time," Sayel al-Khalayleh told The Associated
Press by phone from Zarqa, the town from which
al-Zarqawi derived his name.

Al-Zarqawi's oversaw a wave of kidnappings of
foreigners and the killings of at least a dozen,
including Arab diplomats and three Americans. He also
was a master Internet propagandist, spreading the call
for Islamic extremists to join the "jihad," or holy
war, in Iraq. His group posted gruesome images of
beheadings, speeches by al-Zarqawi and recruitment
videos depicting the planning and execution of its
most daring attacks.

Iraqi citizens had mixed reactions to the news of
al-Zarqawi's death.

Thamir Abdulhussein, a college student in Baghdad,
said he hoped the killing would promote peace between
the fractured ethnic and sectarian groups.

"If it's true al-Zarqawi was killed, that will be a
big happiness for all the Iraqis," he said. "He was
behind all the killings of Sunni and Shiites. Iraqis
should now move toward reconciliation. They should
stop the violence."

Amir Muhammed Ali, a 45-year-old stock broker in
Baghdad, was skeptical that al-Zarqawi's death would
end the unrelenting sectarian violence and said the
Iraqi resistance to U.S.-led forces likely would

"He didn't represent the resistance, someone will
replace him and the operations will go on," he said.

In the past year, al-Zarqawi moved his campaign beyond
Iraq's borders to Jordan and Lebanon, where he claimed
responsbility for a rocket attack from Lebanon into

U.S. forces and their allies came close to capturing
al-Zarqawi several times since his campaign began in

The closest brush may have come in late 2004. Deputy
Interior Ministry Maj. Gen. Hussein Kamal said Iraqi
security forces caught al-Zarqawi near the insurgent
stronghold of Fallujah but then released him because
they did not realize who he was.

In May 2005, Web statements by his group said
al-Zarqawi had been wounded in fighting with Americans
and was being treated in a hospital abroad — raising
speculation over a successor among his lieutenants.
But days later, a statement said al-Zarqawi was fine
and had returned to Iraq. There was never any
independent confirmation that he was wounded.

U.S. forces believe they just missed capturing
al-Zarqawi in a Feb. 20, 2005, raid in which troops
closed in on his vehicle west of Baghdad near the
Euphrates River. His driver and another associate were
captured and al-Zarqawi's computer was seized along
with pistols and ammunition.

U.S. troops twice launched massive invasions of
Fallujah, the stronghold used by al-Qaida in Iraq
fighters and other insurgents west of Baghdad. An
April 2004 offensive left the city still in insurgent
hands, but an October 2004 assault wrested it from


Associated Press reporter Katherine Shrader in
Washington contributed to this report.

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