--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, FAUZAN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jawab juga tentang Musa Alaihissalam membelah laut, dll :) wis  
> pemikirannya emang persis kaum akalliyyun :) nggak ikut ikut :) hadits  
> Nabi di bantah :) anda percaya nggak dengan 3 hadits dibawah? kalo  
> sekarang emang bulan nggak terbelah. tapi berdasarkan hadits baca
sana :)

kembali ke topik lama :=) kayaknya Pak Fauzan dah meninggalkan milis
ini. Tapi ini penting buat Pak HMNA.

Rashad Khalifa :
To answer that, one must keep the prophecy in mind: "The moon has
split." This is 
a metaphor. Parts of the moon have left its surface. They no longer
are part of the moon. 
So, the prophecy does not refer to the landing on the moon or to the
first step made by 
Neil Armstrong but to the fact that Armstrong and Aldrin collected 21
kilograms of lunar 
rocks to bring them back to earth. The prophecy was fulfilled at the
very moment the 
Astronauts left the moon in the lunar module containing 21 kilograms
of rocks that had 
belonged to the moon.
 This prophecy has come to pass on July 21 1969. Let us write those
numbers down in the format
used by almost all countries : 21 / 07 /1969. 
We get 21071969 and 21071969 = 19 x 1109051
It is interesting to note that the american date of landing is coded.
The lunar module landed
on July 20 : 7 / 20 1969. 
Indeed : 7201969 = 379051 X 19.

The moment of the fulfillment is confirmed by the hour of departure.
The Lunar Module 
left the lunar surface at 17: 54: 1 (Universal Time) or 1: 54: 1 (EDT)
and as you have 
seen it above, verse [54:1] is the verse that deals with the prophesy. 

So, the prophecy described in verse [54:1] was fulfilled on 21 July
1969 at 17: 54: 1
(Universal Time) (1: 54: 1 EDT) when the lunar module left the moon
carrying 21 
kilograms of lunar rocks. 

Let us add the Sura number (54), the verse number (1), the day (21),
the month (07) and 
the year (1969); we get: 

54 + 1 + 21 + 7 +1969 = 2052 or 19 x 108. 

There are 4845 verses, from the beginning of the Qu'ran to verse
[54:1] and 
4845 = 19 x 255. 

So, nobody can deny that verse [54:1] refers to the fact that Neil
Armstrong and Aldrin 
left the moon with parts of the moon. 

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