--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "d. candraningrum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "M Ikhsan Modjo" 
<mikhsan.modjo@> wrote:
> Mas Akbar,
> Selain itu, lokus penelitian ekonom biasanya tidak spesifik ke 
masalah poligami, yang bukan bidang atau minimal isu mainstream di 
ilmu ekonomi, tapi keluarga dengan kepala keluarga perempuan, yang 
lebih memiliki implikasi kebijakan yang jelas. Misalnya, program BLT 
yang mengharuskan penerimaan uang subsidi oleh kepala keluarga 
perempuan - bukan yang kepala keluarga yang laki-laki - tentu bukan 
satu yang tidak jelas asal-usulnya.
> Salam,

Mas Ikhsan dan Akbar,
Kawan-kawan Milister HANIF,

Saya pengen memberi dukungan thesis Mas Ikhsan mengenai kemampuan 
perempuan dalam mengelola uang. Saya tidak sedang memparadokskan 
dengan kemampuan laki-laki. approach saya tetap pada kesetaraan laki-
laki dan perempuan dalam ruang publik dan domestik. GENDER EQUALITY.

Di Darfur, Prof-nya Mas Norma bernama Banseca, menceritakan 
bagaimana bantuan PBB itu lebih sering diberikan kepada perempuan. 
karena mereka akan transformasikan dalam bentuk kebutuhan pangan dan 
kebutuhan domestik suatu desa. apabila bantuan itu jatuh di tangan 
laki-laki, biasanya ditransformasikan menjadi SENJATA. Ini sekali 
lagi, bukan sebuah thesis untuk menyalahkan laki-laki. tapi lebih 
pada konstruk budaya patriarki yang terlalu dominan. semestinyalah, 
masyarakat yang madani, adalah yang dapat men-SETARA-kan kosmologi 
perempuan dan laki-laki. 

Juga Amartya Sen, peraih Nobel yang prestisius itu, menemukan 
hilangnya perempuan. lebih besar daripada kematian manusia pas PD 
II. ini yang menyebabkan dia bersama tim membuat indeks untuk 
mengukur aksesibilitas perempuan thd hak-hak dasar dalam politik, 
ekonomi, budaya, sosial, yaitu GDI (gender dev index) dan GEM 
(gender empowerment index).

Juga Peraih nobel kita tahun ini, Muhammad Yunus, telah melukiskan 
kemampuan perempuan dalam mengelola uang. (Bisa dibaca di artikel di 

Mereka ini adalah nabi-nabi baru, pejuang kesetaraan jender. 
Indonesia sedang enggan melahirkan nabi-nabi baru. yang ada adalah 
semangat-semangat jahiliyah yang dipromosikan bahkan, oleh orang 
sekelas ulama dan politisi Islam. 

Masih ada Hidayat Nur Wahid, semoga saja Hidayat Nur Wahid tetap ber-
jihad, tetap melakukan LAKU. Semoga saja dia tidak tertarik dengan 
perilaku Anis Matta, Hamzah Haz, Yahya Zaini, dll. Amin.

Mari berdoa untuk nabi-nabi baru kita. 

Selamat membaca dan salam hangat dari Jerman,
dewi candraningrum

Ini versi Der Spiegel (The Mirror) yang Inggris


"Woman Are Better with Money"

Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, 66, discusses the failure of
traditional development aid his successful use of microcredits in the
battle against poverty.

SPIEGEL: Professor Yunus, the United Nations' goal to cut global
poverty by half by the year 2015 remains as distant as ever.
Meanwhile, the number of starving people rose this year from 840 to
854 Million. What is going wrong with development aid?

Yunus: I see it primarily as an achievement of the UN to have brought
the global community to a consensus over this goal at the Millenium
Summit 2000. For, just a few years before that summit, we had begun
to notice that all hitherto attempts at tackling poverty had failed.

SPIEGEL: But that did nothing to alleviate hunger and poverty in the

Yunus: Because unfortunately, shortly after the UN declaration,
terrorism, the Iraq war and the global war against terrorism threw
everything into disarray. The policies of United States President
George W. Bush derailed the entire process. Instead of concentrating
on the war against poverty, global attention is now focused on
another kind of slaughter -- on something that is intangible and yet
being tackled by all the possible military means we can muster. And
all the lofty declarations by world leaders about combatting poverty
that were lauded by the General Assembly turned out to be damp 

SPIEGEL: Despite more than $106 billion in development aid that was
paid last year alone. You've settled for another path. What triggered
your idea to make microcredit and microloans available to the poorest
of the poor?

Yunus: At the university in Chittagong in southern Bangladesh, where
I taught for a while, there were no advisors -- neither from Dhaka
nor from abroad -- to tell us what to do. In the small village
neighboring the university and along with our students, who
themselves belonged to that village, we started a project against
poverty in 1976. Very soon, we noticed that the people were all
dependent on dubious money-lenders and loan sharks. We calculated
their collective debt and found it to be $27 dollars. I was shocked.
When we speak of development aid, we speak in terms of billions, but
never about how $27 can drive an entire village into the clutches of
loan sharks and keep them there in a state of dependence. And I
thought, hey, I can solve this problem.


Yunus: It wasn't really a big challenge academically. I gave them the
$27 -- there was no need for any cost-benefit analysis or balance
sheets. The people were freed of a burden and I thought to myself at
the time, if it is so easy to end a dependence, why don't more do it?
Today, we see how simple village kids can set something moving, that
wins them the Nobel Prize 30 years later.

SPIEGEL: How did the banks react?

SPIEGEL: Do your micro-loans provide the kind of radical reinvention
that critics of traditional developmental aid have long been asking

Yunus: Every concept can be improved, so why don't we just review all
our of experiences of the last years and consider all the promising
ideas seriously? We could think of private ownership by poor people.
For instance, the mega-port that Bangladesh is planning to build in
southern Chittagong and with which it wants to revolutionize
Bangladesh's economy, does not have to belong automatically to the
state or the public. International donors could finance a port
authority, which would be owned by the poor women of the country.

SPIEGEL: That sounds ambitious.

Yunus: Why? We could wait to begin construction when the money has
arrived and everything makes business sense and the investors are
sure to get their money back. This would be not only an economic
investment, but one in an idea, the very spirit of any policy. Nobody
would have to worry about poverty in Bangladesh anymore.

SPIEGEL: Your own experience with the story of the micro-credits must
have taught you, that it is best to first try out any revolutionary
idea on a small scale.

Yunus: There are opportunities galore even to do just that. We all
know what happens when, say, a German donor builds a bridge in
Bangladesh and hands it over to the state: nobody bothers about its
servicing and maintenance. So why can't this bridge be handed over to
a private company which belongs to the people? Who could collect a
toll from its users and even build another new bridge with the
profits? Now please don't tell me that poor women cannot run a port
economically. Poor women can run a bank profitably. All they need is
a little help with management.

SPIEGEL: European bankers doubt that and most of all, the economic
success story of Grameen Bank. How do you explain their skepticism?

Yunus: They don't want to read anything, understand anything and
would rather believe us to be imposters. But all our balance sheets
are well documented in public, for instance on our Web site, and it
is verified and certified by international auditors. Since it was
foudned, Grameen Bank has disbursed loans totalling $5.8 billion and
the pay-back rate is 98.9 percent. We have not needed subsidies since
1995, and with the exception of 1983, 1991 and 1992, we have
registered profits every year.

SPIEGEL: Why are 97 percent of your loan-takers women?

Yunus: It took months and years to talk the women round, to convince
them that they can handle money just as well as men or even better.
After six years, we reached a man-woman ratio of 50-50. Then we
noticed, that the families and households of female loan-takers
enjoyed far greater benefits. So we changed our policy. Since then,
we have focused entirely on women.

SPIEGEL: Does this mean that women hold the key to fighting poverty
and hunger?

Yunus: We certainly noted that when given the opportunity, women
handle money more efficiently. They have longterm vision, they manage
money more carefully. Men are more callous with money. Their first
reflex is to blow it by getting drunk in a pub, or on prostitutes or
gambling. Women, on the other hand, are endowed with a tremendous
sense of self-sacrifice and try to get the best out of the money, for
their children, but also for their husbands.

SPIEGEL: Isn't it a logical corollary that development policies must
concentrate to a far greater extent on womens rights and gender
equality than they have done up to now?

Yunus: I am not making any political demands, for example, for gender
equality. We've already had a 50-50 ratio. Our way works so much
better. Today, all children of Grameen Bank are in school, many went
further and are in high schools and universities, studying to become
doctors or engineers. That is all because of their mothers. Mothers
always focus on bringing benefits for the children.

SPIEGEL: Development experts and non-government organizations have
been demanding a debt cancellation for the poorest countries. Do you
support that demand?

Yunus: No. And in rejecting the idea, I speak in the name of the
poor. We want to help the poorest of the poor, who cannot pay us in
hard currency. So we need community funds or micro-credits, which
would give the loan-taker the ability and therewith the dignity of
being able to pay back his loans in his own currency, as and when he
can. But one must give the people the feeling that it is their money,
for their needs. If we just If you just forgive debts in a kind of
blanket forgiveness, the money you forgive may be used for anything -
for weapons, luxury goods -- except for the poor.

SPIEGEL: The Nobel Prize committee holds poverty to be a far greater
threat to world peace in poverty than fundamentalist terrorism. Is
that right?

Yunus: Yes. The children who study in madrassas, or Koran schools,
are from extremely poor families. Fathers send their sons there to be
fed, looked after and spiritually educated and guided -- all for
free. By giving one or two of their sons up to the faith, many poor
parents feel almost as though a place were reserved for them in
Heaven. This is how religious fanaticism is cultivated amidst the
poor. This problem cannot be solved through military means, but only
through global justice and equality.

SPIEGEL: Your countrymen have great expectations from their Nobel
Peace Prize laureate and see you as the beacon of hope in the
forthcoming elections. Are they right to do so?

Yunus: For several years now, we have been No. 1 on the list of the
most-corrupt nations of the world. Elections are slated in early 2007
and we have a golden opportunity to reverse this statistic. It is for
that reason that I am conducting a campaign against corruption. My
aim is to ensure clean candidates, a clean government and clean
politics. I would like to ensure that thieves have no more chances.

Interview conducted by Manfred Ertel and Padma Rao

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