Janoko kok di lawan.
  Pertanyaan di jawab dengan pertanyaan atau copy and paste dari internet, 
walau nggak mudeng blas artinya dan yang penting kata katanya wah...pakai 
bahasa inglis dan nggak ada source internetnya.....
  He.... pelajaran nomor sekian dari ngelmu janokoisme.....
  Selamat Menikmati....
jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Mas Wikan berkata =

tolong Bung sampaikan kepada saya daftar perbuatan apa saja yang
menurut Bung melecehkan Allah SWT dan Kitab Suci Al Quran.
maturnuwun sanget


Jano-ko =

Sabar...sabar....kita tunggu dulu pendapatnya kakanda DANA yang pendekar HAM 

Tapi supaya mas wikan tidak kuciwo / kecewa, nich jano-ko beri sedikit 
gambarannya ya...


Section 36. Whoever wilfully blasphemes the holy name of God by denying, 
cursing or contumeliously reproaching God, his creation, government or final 
judging of the world, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching Jesus Christ 
or the Holy Ghost, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching or exposing to 
contempt and ridicule, the holy word of God contained in the holy scriptures 
shall be punished by imprisonment in jail for not more than one year or by a 
fine of not more than three hundred dollars, and may also be bound to good 


Section 36 dari apa ya ?...nah itu menjadi PR - nya mas wikan, pasti gampang 
dech jawabannya.

Selamat Malam WIB


Wikan Danar Sunindyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
gantian aah, nanya ke Bung Jano-ko
tolong Bung sampaikan kepada saya daftar perbuatan apa saja yang
menurut Bung melecehkan Allah SWT dan Kitab Suci Al Quran.
maturnuwun sanget


On 2/26/07, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bung Dan berkata =
> Negara Inggris berdaulat dan hukum di tanah Inggris tegak.
> ==========
> Jano - ko =
> Blasphemy is the defamation of the name of one or more gods. These may 
> include using sacred names as stress expletives without intention to pray or 
> speak of sacred matters. Sometimes blasphemy is used loosely to mean any 
> profane language, for example in "With much hammering and blasphemy, the 
> locomotive's replacement spring was finally fitted."
> ---
> Hallo bung dan, tolong dong jano-ko dikasih pencerahan tentang Blasphemy Law 
> di Inggris gitu.
> Tolong dong jelaskan kasus dibawah ini,
> The last person in Britain to be sent to prison for blasphemy was John 
> William Gott on 9 December 1921. He had three previous convictions for 
> blasphemy when he was prosecuted for publishing two pamphlets entitled Rib 
> Ticklers, or Questions for Parsons and God and Gott. In these pamphlets Gott 
> satirised the biblical story of Jesus entering Jerusalem (Matthew 21:2-7) 
> comparing Jesus to a circus clown. He was sentenced to nine months' hard 
> labour despite suffering from an incurable illness, and died shortly after he 
> was released. The case became the subject of public outrage.
> ----
> Kayaknya harus segera dibuat Blasphemy law in Indonesia untuk menjaga 
> kemungkinan supaya insan-insan di Indonesia tidak melakukan pelecehan 
> terhadap Allah SWT dan Kitab Suci Al Qur'an, bung Dan setuju tidak ?

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