Published: 27/02/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)

Farrakhan flays a divided world at war
Detroit: Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan stressed religious unity in 
what was expected to be his last major speech, saying the world is at war 
because Christians, Muslims and people of other faiths are divided.

The 73-year-old leader of the Chicago-based black Muslim group told the tens of 
thousands at Detroit's Ford Field on Sunday that Jesus and the Prophet Mohammad 
(PBUH) would embrace each other with love if they were on the stage behind him.

"Our lips are full of praise, but our hearts are far removed from the prophets 
we all claim," he said. "That's why the world is in the shape that it's in." 
The fiery orator spoke for the first time since ceding leadership of the 
movement last year because of illness. 

The speech at the home of the National Football League's Detroit Lions capped 
the Nation of Islam's three-day convention in the city where it was founded in 

"My time is up," Farrakhan said in describing his exit from the leadership 

Time of great conflict

The leader of 1995's Million Man March, which was organised to encourage black 
men to improve their families and communities, said he is leaving at a time of 
great conflict in the world, citing the war in Iraq. He said he believes God is 
angry with leaders who are putting politics and greed above serving their 
fellow man.

He said President George W. Bush should be impeached or at least censured for 
his "wicked policies", and urged young people to avoid joining a military that 
will have them "leave one way and come back another". The downtown venue was 
not filled to capacity, but seats on the field and in the lower levels were 
packed. There were empty seats in the upper levels of the stadium.

Anita Baker performed two songs before Farrakhan took the stage and speakers 
from various religious and ethnic groups welcomed him. Among those on the stage 
behind him were US Congressman John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat; Russell 
Simmons, hip-hop pioneer and entrepreneur; and Joe Shirley Jr., Navajo Nation 


Nation founder Wallace D. Fard attracted black Americans on the margins of 
society with a message of self-improvement and separation from whites, who he 
said were inherently evil because of their enslavement of blacks.

The Nation of Islam, which promotes black empowerment and nationalism, was 
rebuilt by Farrakhan in the late 1970s after W.D. Mohammad, the son of leader 
Elijah Mohammad, moved his followers towards mainstream Islam.

Farrakhan became notorious for calling Judaism a "gutter religion" and 
suggesting crack cocaine might have been a CIA plot to enslave blacks. He met 
with foreign leaders at odds with the United States - Muammar Gaddafi, Fidel 
Castro and Saddam Hussain - prompting the State Department in 1996 to accuse 
him of "cavorting with dictators

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